£31 million of funding agreed for strategic University projects
15 Feb 2018
Endowment funds will benefit students, staff and the wider public

Over £31 million of University endowment funding is to be invested in a range of initiatives which will deliver real benefits to our students, staff and the wider public.
In consultation with the Charity Commission, work has been ongoing to maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of the University’s endowments and to make it easier for the Board of Governors, as trustees, to see how this money was being spent.
As a result, these endowment funds can now be released to invest in new activities which reflect either the original intention of the donor or meet the core strategic goals of the University. Previously, many endowments remained unused for long periods of time, often in breach of their original purpose.
Endowments cannot be used to fund ongoing or existing University activities and each part of the University was encouraged to submit proposals which underwent a rigorous internal review process before being agreed by Finance Sub-Committee.
Fourteen projects will receive the money over the next five years. One of the most significant of these is Creative Manchester - a major initiative from the Faculty of Humanities - aimed at improving research and teaching and learning; a programme of summer internships; increased funding for scholarships and improvements to facilities across the University.
The following projects will benefit from endowment funding:
Creative Manchester
Creative Manchester will bring together areas across the Faculty of Humanities to promote substantial gains in research capability, innovative changes to the curriculum and a dynamic presence in the cultural sector. Funding will be used to support new academic posts which will deliver an ambitious research agenda, as well as teaching the very best students with the brightest talent. There will be new courses and facilities including a state-of-the-art Digital Humanities Text Lab. A key feature of this investment will be developing collaborative partnerships to support the growth of the creative sector locally, nationally and internationally.
Healthcare Scientists of Tomorrow
The Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health will establish an interdisciplinary hub called Healthcare Scientists of Tomorrow. This will ensure that we deliver the best research-led learning experience for our postgraduate students, improving the number and quality of early career researchers. It will enhance capacity in data sciences, public health and integrated medicine through increased teaching and research opportunities across all three Faculties and external stakeholders. The opportunity will help ensure that future professionals working in health and social care have the relevant skills and knowledge to understand the full potential of interdisciplinary sciences from public health to data sciences. The investment will provide a platform to build further the Doctoral Training Centre and externally funded research centres from local and global research councils/organisations.
The Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health will invest in early career researchers to further the University’s advances in the field of Nanomedicine. The researchers will develop personal programmes of high quality, creative and multidisciplinary research in emerging engineered nanomaterials, including graphene and other 2D materials.
FIRS Greenhouse redevelopment
The Faculty of Science and Engineering will develop new research facilities at the botany experimental grounds at the University’s Fallowfield campus. This will include creating a state-of-the-art plant and soil research facility which will help to deliver excellent quality research into key strategic areas of food security and the impacts of climate change.
International Partnership Development Fund
Funds will be used to develop partnerships with world-leading overseas universities, encouraging research staff to be able to work abroad which will in turn support making joint bids for external research funding.
Upgrading Teaching Rooms
There will be major investment in updating 24 teaching rooms within the Simon Building, Mansfield Cooper Building, Crawford House and the Ellen Wilkinson Building and installing Bring Your Own Device technology in 250 teaching rooms and meeting spaces across campus.
Undergraduate Access Scholarships
Funding for over 100 scholarships will provide additional support for students who have successfully completed the Manchester Access Programme, one of our University’s widening participation programmes which enables us to work with and support talented students from backgrounds currently under-represented in higher education.
Other projects which will receive endowment funding include:
- Manchester Engineering Campus Development – enhancing research facilities, teaching space and ensuring excellence in the student experience
- IntoUniversity Manchester
- Digital Mitigating Circumstances
- Replacement furniture, fixtures and fittings for the University Library
- Big Book Move – supporting students in accessing library books
- Research data storage expansion
- Front end interface to Library digital objects
Unfortunately it was not possible to approve all proposals which were submitted and a small number of proposals are still under consideration. Those who put forward successful bids have now been informed.
About the Endowment Project
Over 600 existing endowment funds have been transferred into 17 new trust funds, making over £42 million of funds more easily accessible by introducing more flexible terms of use. The project was strongly encouraged by the Charity Commission which has provided support and guidance to a team of colleagues from across the Professional Support Services who led this major project. Donors were consulted on the restructure wherever possible.
Once the restructure was completed, each part of the University was encouraged to submit proposals for consideration. A wide range of proposals were received, with successful projects clearly demonstrating how they support the University’s strategic objectives of research, teaching, learning and the student experience and social responsibility. Successful cases also clearly showed who would benefit from these projects and how.
Going forward, spending proposals to the new endowment funds should be submitted as part of the budget and planning cycle. For more information see the Merged Endowment Funds Spending Policy and related Guidance:
Business case templates can be obtained from your local Head of School Finance who will advise of the approval process and must be signed by:
- the Vice-President and Dean of the relevant Faculty; or
- the Deputy-President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Cultural Institutions; or
- the Vice-President for Teaching, Learning and Students and the Vice-President for Research and Innovation for the Library; or
- the Registrar, Secretary and Chief Operating Officer for the Professional Support Services.