4. Laboratory and Workshop Safety Arrangements
4.1. Biological work in Schuster
A biological material is a micro-organism, cell culture, or human endoparasite, whether or not genetically modified, which may cause infection, allergy, toxicity or otherwise create a hazard to human health. They include bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi.
Plants, animals or micro-organisms that have changed through direct manipulation of an organism's genome using biotechnology are termed genetically modified organisms or GMOs.
Those who plan to or are carrying out biological work can contact the FSE BSA team.
4.1.1. Biological Risk Assessment and application
- All work involving biological materials (non-GMO) including Hazard Group 1 requires an assessment on the Application to Handle Biological Materials and COSHH Risk Assessment forms (also known as BioCOSHH).
- All work with genetically modified organisms requires a GM relevant additional Risk Assessment to be completed along with an application form.
The completed biological/GM Risk Assessment applications must be signed by the Academic Supervisor and submitted to the FSE Biological Safety team (BSA) who facilitate the approval process. Any changes to an existing assessment must go to the FSE’s BSA for approval.
Work with biological agents or GMOs is not permitted without the relevant approved application forms and Risk Assessments.
The BioCOSHH and GMO application approval process varies depending on the Hazard Group (HG) of the non-GMO biological agents or the classification of the GMO:
- New and renewal HG 1 BioCOSHH and Class 1 GMO applications may be approved by the BSA before work can commence. The FSE Biological/GM Safety Committee will be notified of all applications and retrospective approval given.
- Routine and renewal HG 2 BioCOSHH and Class 2 GMO applications may be approved by the BSA before work can commence. The FSE Biological/GM Safety Committee will be notified of all applications and retrospective approval given.
- New HG 2 (or above) BioCOSHH and Class 2 (or above) GMO applications will need FSE Biological /GM Safety Committee approval before work can commence. The BSA will forward on any applications to the committee and report back as appropriate.
- Some biological activities are reportable to the HSE. BSAs and FSE Biological /GM Safety Committee will advise on the reporting procedure and facilitate the submission of HSE notification.
4.1.2. Biological Safety Training
- All Staff and students who are planning to work with biological agents or GMOs must complete a Biosafety awareness training first which is organised by the FSE BSA team.
- Any specialist/practical training e.g. use of Autoclave, lab equipment, aseptic techniques must be identified by the Academic Supervisor or manager and arrangements must be made for training and records kept up to date.
4.1.3. Inspection and monitoring
- Bio lab self-inspections for Containment Level 2 and above is recommended out at regular intervals by the responsible person and records kept.
- Formal Biosafety Inspections will be carried out by the BSA team at least once a year for each Bio labs in the Department. Responsible persons of the area, and staff/student representatives must attend the inspection.
- Additional inspections may be conducted in respective areas identified by the FSE Biological /GM Safety Committee.
- Class II microbiological safety cabinets must be serviced and inspected at least every 14 months by qualified engineers.
4.1.4. Health surveillance and fitness to work
Staff and postgraduate students working within the bio area are required to register with Occupational Health via the occupational health questionnaire for health surveillance. Occupational Health staff will arrange for any necessary screening / vaccinations etc. depending on the nature of the job and the work activities.
- The manager, academic supervisor or Academic Supervisor should ensure that staff, researchers and students have registered with Occupational Health.
- Any change to the nature of the biological work or an individual’s health status is to be notified to Occupational Health.
- In case of actual or suspected contact with a biological agent, whether through inhalation, injection, puncture, ingestion, or contact with eyes, it is required to contact Occupational Health.
The University’s guidance on Biosafety can be found below:
4.2. Chemical Safety
Prior to any use of chemicals, a Chemical Risk Assessment (CRA) or specified in a general risk assessment must be carried out. The main chemical hazards fall into two categories:
- Those that may harm health and come under Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH)
- Those that may pose a fire and/or explosion risk and come under the Dangerous Substances and Explosives Regulations (DSEAR)
Many chemicals have both type of hazards associated with them and both need to be considered together and appropriate controls implemented.
Substances hazardous to health include:
- Anything classified as toxic, very toxic, harmful or irritant under the Chemicals (Hazard, Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2009 (CLP).
- Anything with a Hazard Code and a Hazard Statement, according to manufacturer’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
- Substances with a Workplace Exposure Limit (WEL). These are listed on the EH40 list.
- Hazardous substances listed in the HSE publication Approved Supply List.
- Dust of any kind when present in the following quantities: 10 mg/m3 inhalable dust, 4 mg/m3 respirable dust, except where toxicity indicates a lower exposure level is required.
- Microorganisms that create a hazard to health as part of, or a result of, the work activity.
- Anything that creates a comparable risk to health to any of the above.
The Academic Supervisor or Line Manager are responsible for ensuring a satisfactory risk assessment/CRA form is in place and implemented. Completed documents should be kept in the Lab Safety Files and should be available for general use, inspection and audit. They must be signed by the line manager or supervisor and also all users of the chemical.
CRA forms should be reviewed when any changes to the process is planned, if a vulnerable person (e.g. expectant mother) begins working in the vicinity, even if they are not the person handling the hazardous substance, following an accident or near-miss, following changes in legislation or following recommendations from Safety Advisors or Safety Services.
The standard Chemical risk assessment form template can be found in the "forms" section of the Physics H&S intranet. A safety data sheet (SDS) should be provided with each new chemical, which will allow you to complete the Chemical risk assessment form. Guidanceon how to fill out this form can be found here along with example Chemical risk assessment.
The Faculty is currently running Chemical risk assessment awareness training sessions, check out Beeline for details.
4.2.1. Fitness to work Certificate
Those who work with Chemicals, Biological agents and Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reproductive toxins and sensitisers should receive a “fitness to work” certificate from Occupational Health prior to handling.
Those requiring a fitness to work certificate should fill out the following form and send back to occupational health.
Fitness to work certificates are valid for 12 months, it should be reviewed annually. Occupational health should contact you when you review is due.
Further guidance and the CMR health surveillance questionnaire if you have been exposed to a CMR can be found on the below link;
4.2.2. Handling, storage and disposal
All hazardous chemicals must be stored within laboratories/workshops/clean rooms or specific storage areas and not within offices.
All hazardous substances must be handled, stored and disposed of according to the risk assessment/Chemical Risk Assessment form.
Spill kits should be readily available for use in an emergency in laboratories and workshops. Risk assessments or CRA forms should state where the closest spills kit is. Stores also have a spills kit available.
Each lab/workshop/clean room area should keep an up-to-date inventory of all the chemicals stored.
The University uses a mandatory chemical inventory system called LabCup to do this. Each area has a LabCup administrator who can add you to LabCup, if unsure ask the safety advisor for more details of who your local LabCup administrator is. See the below link for more details and short videos on how to add and remove chemicals in your area. If a chemical has an expiry date this must be added to LabCup.
Any gases stored within an area must be assessed to ensure that adequate ventilation is in place for the gas/gases to dissipate without causing a risk to users should an uncontrolled (or controlled) release occur. If this cannot be shown, then appropriate warning systems must be installed. This should be assessed by the responsible person.
All sample containers must be suitable for the chemicals being used and labelled with user’s name, chemical composition / concentration and date. All chemicals must be stored upright. Storage cabinets must be trayed to minimise the effects of a spill/leak from a chemical.
Appropriate safety signage should be visible externally on the storage facility and on the external door of the area.
Quantity stored or used must be kept to a minimum and the total volume of extremely or highly flammable liquids must be below 50 litres per lab.
Flammable & oxidising substances must be stored upright in suitable flammables cabinet. If stored at 2-8oC, fridges must be spark-proof and used away from sources of ignition or direct sunlight. Secondary containment will also be required if stored in a fridge or freezer to reduce the risk of a flammable atmosphere building up.
Corrosive substances should be stored upright in appropriate labelled corrosives cabinet. Diphoterine must be present in any area using corrosive substances (see section 2.13)
Incompatible substances should be segregated at all times; secondary containment will be required,where due to space issues incompatibles must be stored in the same cabinet.
Lab benches and fume cupboards should not be used for storing chemicals.
Hazardous chemicals in use should not be left unattended.
Old or redundant chemicals should be disposed of correctly as soon as possible. Do not accumulate chemicals as this adds additional risks. Many chemicals discompose/oxidise with time.
A useful guide on the Storage and Segregation of Hazardous Chemicals and a poster on Do’s and Don’ts of Chemical storage can be found on the Physics H&S intranet.
4.2.3. Transporting chemicals within or between buildings
The transportation of chemicals between University buildings is discouraged but where necessary the activity must be sufficiently risk assessed with the chemicals suitably labelled and packaged
Chemicals must be transported in suitable robust containers (e.g. solvent Winchester carriers) and a hazardous spill kit must be on hand during transit. Chemicals must be transported using a buddy system, so that if an accident occursthe emergency procedures identified in the risk assessment can be quickly implemented.
No chemical, gas cylinder or cryogenic liquid should be transported on a public pavement or road, as this requires a specialist licence and is prohibited through the ADR and CDG regulations.
The transportation of chemicals away from University premises is subject to regulatory control and advice from the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) must be sought.
An example RA, which can used as a starting point for your own transport activity can be found on the Physics intranet example RA’s.
4.2.4. Carcinogens, Mutagens, Reproductive Toxins (CMRs) and Sensitisers
Usage of CMRs, Respiratory Sensitisers or Skin Sensitisers must be adequately controlled, with exposure level eliminated or minimised to below the Workplace Exposure Limit (WEL).
Any risk assessment should consider all persons who can enter the area, such as house services, who will have limited knowledge of the hazards within.
Details must be specified in the risk assessment or CRA form. They can be identified by the Hazard Statements in the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
CMRs can only be used if:
- No safer alternative can be found
- User is over the age of 18
- User is a trained and competent person
- User is not immunocompromised, not knowingly pregnant or a nursing mother (if user falls into one of these categories, work with the CMR must be suspended until a personal risk assessment is in place)
- Appropriate control measures are available, e.g. fume cupboard
- Users attend health surveillance with Occupational Health (receive a fitness to work certificate before work commences).
Use of CMRs and sensitisers in undergraduate teaching labs should be avoided.
The Academic Supervisor and Line Manager are responsible for the safe use of CMRs and sensitisers. Information, training and supervision must be adequate and the user’s competency level must be assessed. Records of users and occupational health surveillance reports must be kept for 40 years.
Exposure or suspected exposure to CMRs and sensitisers must be reported to the Academic Supervisor, Line Manager or Safety Advisor immediately.
The University’s guidance on CMRs can be found below:
4.2.5. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
PCBs were once widely deployed as dielectric and coolant fluids in electrical apparatus, carbonless copy paper and in heat transfer fluids. Examples of equipment that may contain PCBs within the Department include pre 1987-microscopes, old X-ray equipment, pre-1987 industrial equipment (e.g. lathes), electrical transformers, high voltage equipment and vacuum pumps.
Any equipment suspected of containing PCBs must be registered with the Environmental Agency (EA). Contact the I&F Technical Operations Manager who will add the PCB to the Department inventory.
Any equipment suspected of containing PCBs must be tested. The amount (litres) and concentration (ppm) must be determined. If the amount is under 5 Litres or below 50 ppm, then these can be removed from the EA database.
PCBs are hazardous. Therefore, it is no longer acceptable to have PCB containing equipment in the UK and the equipment needs to be decontaminated or disposed of as soon as possible.
Waste oils or contaminated equipment must only be removed from site by a licensed waste carrier and must be transferred to a permitted waste management facility. A certificate of decontamination or disposal is needed and must be retained. The EA requires evidence of disposal or decontamination. This is normally consignment note numbers or laboratory test reports, though the EA may accept other evidence.
Further Guidance on PCBs can be found via the link below:
4.2.6. Drug Precursors and Chemical Weapons
Additional legislations govern chemicals that can be used to produce illicit drugs or chemical weapons.
Drug precursors – governed by regulations (EC No 273/2004) set by the European Union.
Chemical weapons – governed by an arms control treaty called Chemical Weapon Convention (CWC).
The University is legally obliged to submit an annual declaration on the purchase, use and/or storage of these chemicals.
The Academic Supervisor and Line Manager are responsible for assisting in the declaration. They must keep accurate records of their chemicals and provide relevant information to Safety Advisors in a timely manner, when requested to do so.
The University’s guidance on Drug Precursors can be found below:
The University’s guidance on CWC can be found below:
4.2.7. Explosive Substances
Some compounds are inherently unstable and may decompose explosive. Explosives and desensitised explosives are governed by the Explosives Regulations 2014. The purchase, use and storage of these substances may require explosive certificates and licences. Advice must be sought from the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) before purchasing these substances.
Mixtures of some chemicals are also explosive. Chemicals should not be mixed together without proper thought and research into the likely outcome. Typically, reactions between substances and strong oxidising agents, such as hydrogen peroxide and perchloric acid, may become explosive. Other substances become dangerous in a fire because of their oxidising properties; they include nitrates, chlorates and iodates. Only minimal quantities of such compounds should be kept in the laboratory. Reactions may become uncontrolled or form explosive compounds and should only be performed after careful planning and the production of a corresponding risk assessment or CRA form.
Strong sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide solutions must be stored in vented containers because of the potential pressure build-up.
The University’s guidance on Explosives can be found below:
4.2.8. Poisons
There are many chemicals classed as poisonous, these are regulated by the Poisons Act 1972. They must be stored, transported, used and disposed of correctly:
- Containers must be impervious to the substance, and be able to prevent escape of the substance.
- Schedule 1 poisons must be stored in a secure and locked designated poisons cabinet, with restricted access. The key must be kept by a responsible person in a separate secure and locked location.
- Method of transport must keep the risk of spillage or accidental release to a minimum
- They must only be used by trained and competent person
- Records must be kept for user’s details and quantity of usage
- Surplus or waste must be disposed of appropriately, according to the risk assessment
For further details, please contact the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics).
4.2.9. Hydrofluoric acid
This is an extremely dangerous and corrosive acid, which may result in toxic shock, loss of limbs and death. HF must only be used if no other alternative is available. A detailed CRA, risk assessment and safe system of work (SSOW) must be in place before work commences. A SSOW for HF can be found on the Department H&S intranet pages.
- Initial use of HF must be authorised by the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics).
- All procedures must be risk assessed and authorised by the Academic Supervisor or Line Manager beforehand.
- Usage of HF is restricted between working hours of 09:00 – 17:00. A first aider must be informed before work commences. Lone working with HF is prohibited.
- Stock solution must be stored in a locked cabinet and the lab must have restricted access.
- All HF users must be trained until fully competent.
- All HF users must carry calcium gluconate gel, during the procedure and for 24 hours following the usage. The gel must be applied copiously at the first sign of burning and A&E must be attended immediately. The Department also has a hexafluoride kit for use with HF, which is located in Schuster Chemistry room B.07.
A short guide to the safe use of Hydrofluoric Acid can be found here: http://www.staffnet.manchester.ac.uk/physics-and-astronomy/health-and-safety/videos/
For further details, please contact the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics).
4.2.10. Mercury
Mercury (also known as quicksilver) is a silvery white liquid metal at room temperatures. It has been widely used in temperature indicators such as thermometers, and pressure indicators such as barometers and sphygmomanometers, vacuum lines in general and diffusion pumps. Its use continues, but is being phased out except for specialist applications. Mercury is also highly toxic in liquid and vapour forms, and is capable of being absorbed through the skin, lungs and alimentary system.
Where possible mercury substances and equipment containing mercury should be disposed of and a safer alternative found. Contact the School Safety Advisor of you have mercury substances or equipment containing mercury that requires disposing of.
A mercury spill kit is located in Schuster 1st floor Annexe teaching labs, room 1A.05. If a mercury spillage occurs the SSA should be informed and an incident report form completed and sent to Safety Services.
Further Guidance can be found below:
4.2.11. Accidental Spillage and Loss of Containment
For any significant spillage that requires the emergency services or exposure to hazardous substances that requires urgent medical help, call:
1. Campus Security on 0161 306 9966 or
2. Emergency Services on 999, followed by Campus Security.
All accidents and incidents, especially those involving a loss of containment, must be reported to the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) and Safety Services as soon as possible. Loss of containment includes failure of fume cupboards or microbiological safety cabinets, spillages or splashes. Loss of containment or the complaint of symptoms must be investigated by the Academic Supervisor or Line Manager. An investigation report must be sent to Safety Services, along with all associated risk assessments, Safety Data Sheets and Standard Operating Procedures.
Health surveillance must be arranged with Occupational Health following a suspected exposure to hazardous substances. Records will be kept by Safety Services for 40 years.
In addition to the above the following items are listed as either regulated explosives precursors or a reportable explosive precursor:
- Sulphuric acid
- Aluminium powders, magnesium nitrate hexahydrate, and magnesium powders
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Nitromethane
- Nitric acid
- Potassium chlorate
- Potassium perchlorate
- Sodium chlorate
- Sodium perchlorate
The Department does not require a licence for the possession or use of these substances but there are reporting requirements for businesses concerning suspicious transactions, significant loss or theft.
Therefore, there is a need to store these chemicals correctly and securely and report any loss or theft to the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics).
The Faculty is currently running Chemical risk assessment awareness training monthly, check out Beeline for details.
4.3. Confined Spaces
The sub-basement in Schuster is classed as a confined space, only authorised personnel are allowed in this area. Any other visitors or contractors needing access to the sub-basement must be accompanied by an authorised user at all times.
Gas cylinders, cryogenic liquids and chemicals must not be accompanied in lifts where they need to be transported between floors as the confined nature of the lift space could present a significant risk.
At JBO, where possible staff will use mechanical means to avoid entering confined spaces. Due to the nature of the work task undertaken, this may be unavoidable.
If work of this type is required specialist contractors will be contacted to complete the works. A comprehensive assessment must be made by the contractor to ensure suitable safe systems of works and emergency rescue procedures.
4.4. Food and Drink
Food and drink is prohibited in any laboratory, workshop, clean room or communal computer cluster for hygiene and safety reasons. The workshop has a mezzanine recreational area where it is acceptable to consume food and drink.
4.5. Glassware
Examine all glassware before use. Never use chipped or broken glassware. Chemistry’s glassblowers, located in the basement of the Chemistry building, may be able to repair expensive broken glassware. Dispose of damaged and broken glassware in the designated yellow sharp bins using a dustpan and brush or thick cut resistant gloves; never put broken glass into ordinary rubbish.
4.6. Hazardous Waste
Some types of waste are harmful to human health, or to the environment, either immediately or over an extended time period. This waste is called hazardous.
The University produces numerous types of hazardous waste and has a 'duty of care' to make sure it's disposed of properly.
University guidance is available here:
The Department has its own disposal arrangements for hazardous wastes, which should be detailed in risk assessments or chemical risk assessments (CRA).
Academic Supervisors and Line Managers must ensure the handling, transport and disposal of waste is risk assessed and carried out correctly. The risk assesment or CRA form should identify the correct disposal route.
Empty and thoroughly decontaminated chemical containers can be placed into general waste or a recycled waste stream. Their lids must be removed and the hazardous substance on the label, along with hazard symbols must have been crossed out with a black parker pen.
Unwanted chemicals and hazardous waste can be disposed of via the building manager (Department of Physics) for both Schuster and Alan Turing. Contact the building manager who will store them in the grey cabinet near the loading bay. All chemical waste must be stored in a suitable container, correctly labelled with the contents and have contact details of the individual or group. A chemical disposal company is contacted periodically to empty the cabinet.
Any hazardous materials which have been disposed should been removed from the LabCup database.
Soiled gloves, blue roll and other items with traces of chemicals should be placed in the waste yellow bags within your area. These yellow waste bags can be obtained from Stores and once full can be placed in the large yellow clinical waste bins located on the third and basement floors of Schuster. These yellow bins are located on the 3rd (speak to BioPhysics technician) and basement chemistry room B.07. These are collected periodically by the waste contractor and sent for incineration (weekly 3rd floor bin, monthly basement bin). Contact House Services if there are any issues.
Sharps (includes needles, scalpel blades, razors, etc.) and broken glass should be placed in yellow sharps bins, these can be bought from Stores. Full sharps bins should be placed in the large yellow clinical waste bins (see above for detail). They MUST NOT be placed into any other waste bins/bags. Never overfill sharps bins, they should be permanently closed once the fill line has been reached.
Unwanted and empty gas cylinders should be returned to Stores, where they will arrange for collection.
Metal, swarf and offcuts can be placed in the large metal skip outside of the mechanical workshop in the loading bay.
Guidance poster on hazardous waste for Schuster.
4.7. Laboratory and Workshop Equipment
Work equipment is any machinery, appliance, apparatus, tool or installation for use at work (whether exclusively or not). All equipment used in the workplace must be suitable for the task in hand and sufficiently risk assessed prior to use.
Academic Supervisors and Line Managers are responsible for ensuring the safe operation of this equipment. This must include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Suitable and sufficient risk assessments must be in place and be easily accessible near the equipment
- Risk assessments must include routine and non-routine maintenance
- Users must be trained and supervised until fully competent
- Refresher training should take place at appropriate intervals
- Up-to-date training records must be kept
- Access to equipment should be restricted effectively, if identified in the risk assessment (e.g. isolate power)
- Clear warning signage must be displayed
- Protective and emergency devices (e.g. machine guards, interlock, emergency stop) must be checked regularly and all records kept
- Pre-use checks should be carried out before each use
- Users must not modify equipment (including protective and emergency devices).
- Suitable maintenance programmes (in-house or external) must be in place and all records kept
- Procedure for fault reporting and repair work must be in place.
If modification to the equipment is required to fulfil research needs, it must be risk assessed properly and additional control measures implemented.
The School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) must be notified of the planned modification as soon as possible. The Modification must be authorised by Academic Supervisor or Line Manager.
The University’s guidance on Equipment can be found below:
4.7.1. Machinery Equipment (workshops)
In addition to the requirements for Laboratory and Workshop Equipment all machinery equipment must fulfil the following below:
- Follow the local rules for that area.
- Have suitable guards which protect the user from dangerous parts.
- Make sure the guards allow the machine to be cleaned and maintained safely.
- Where guard cannot give full protection, the use of jigs, holders, push sticks should be considered.
- Only be accessible to those competent to use them.
- Be isolated and locked out when not in use.
- The level of instruction and/or training required for users of machinery equipment must be proportional to the hazards.
- The manager or academic supervisor of this area must ensure that any task undertaken which involves machinery equipment under their control is done in a safe manner, following safe working practices and only undertaken by competent persons. There needs to be a specific risk assessment and safe operating procedure for each piece of equipment.
- Line manager or academic supervisor must be suitably satisfied of an individual’s competence prior to allowing them to work unsupervised.
- Protective and emergency devices should be provided, such as guards, interlocks, emergency stops etc. and must not be removed, by-passed or interfered with under any circumstances. The Department may choose to implement disciplinary procedures should staff or students interfere with equipment which could render it dangerous.
- Be suitably maintained with any defects reported to the Responsible Person.
- Purchase only equipment in accordance with the requirements of the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008.
- Ensure maintenance operations are carried out safely.
- Equipment is stable and that suitable and sufficient lighting is provided.
- Ensure that equipment has appropriate clear, visible or audible warning, devices, notices and markings.
4.7.2. Training
Training needs are likely to be greatest on recruitment. But training is also required:
- If the risk to which people are exposed change due to a change in their working tasks.
- Because new technology or equipment is introduced.
- If the system of work changes.
Refresher training should be provided when necessary. This may be due to a statutory requirement, due to lapse in skills, if bad practices have been witnessed, or it may be identified after an accident, refurbishment and reoccupation of the workshop or due to a merger of workshops.
Skills decline if they are not used regularly. For example, you would want to check if refresher training is needed after a lengthy absence from work or if a worker is moved onto a work process that has changed since they last performed those tasks. Particular attention should be paid to people who deputise for others infrequently, as they may need more frequent refresher training than those who do the job regularly.
4.7.3. Guards
All guards and protection must:
- Be suitable for the purpose for which they are intended.
- Be of good construction, sound material and adequate strength.
- Be maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair.
- Not give rise to any increased risk to health and safety.
- Not be easily bypassed or disabled.
- Be situated at a sufficient distance from the danger zone.
- Where necessary not unduly restrict the view of the operating cycle of the machinery.
- Be constructed so that they allow maintenance and part replacement to be carried out whilst restricting access to the specific work area if possible without having to dismantle the guard or protection device.
Further University guidance can be found at the link below:
4.8. Laboratory refrigerators and freezers
Laboratory refrigerators and freezers are for the storage of research materials only and must not be used for the storage of food or drink intended for human consumption. Unless a refrigerator or freezer is labelled as flame or spark proof it must not be used for the storage of flammable or explosive substances; peroxides are especially dangerous. All refrigerators and freezers for storage of flammable substances must be purchased as spark proof. All flammables should be stored within secondary containment within the fridge or freezer to minimise the risk of a flammable atmosphere building up. They should then be opened safely in a fume hood.
4.9. Laundry Service
The Physics Stores located on the ground floor of Schuster offers a laundry service for lab coats. See Physics Stores for more details. The workshop manager is responsible for the laundry service of overalls and lab coats within the workshop.
4.10. Legionella
Legionella is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia, usually contracted by inhaling water droplets containing the bacterium Legionella pneumophila. The Department has a variety of equipment which uses and/or stores water and some may represent a Legionella risk. In order to meet the required standards, the Department must have suitable and sufficient controls in place to eliminate the risks associated with this potentially fatal disease, or to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
Everyone is susceptible to infection but some people are at higher risk, including:
- Those over 45
- Smokers and heavy drinkers
- People with underlying respiratory, kidney, lung or heart disease
- Those with diabetes
- Those with an impaired immune system
The following conditions increase the risk of Legionella:
- Water stored and/or re-circulated
- Water temperature kept between 20–45 °C, which supports bacteria growth
- Deposits or contaminants such as rust, sludge, scale, organic matter and biofilms that could support bacterial growth
- If water droplets are produced and released
Communal taps and showers in buildings are regularly flushed and cleaned by building attendants. Extensive cleaning is arranged periodically by Estates.
Equipment and systems that may represent a foreseeable risk in the Department include (this list is not exhaustive or definitive):
- Water baths
- Chilled water baths
- Recirculating water vacuum systems
- Carbon dioxide incubators which hold a tray of water in the base to maintain humidity
- Rotary evaporators
- Ultrasonic baths
- Coolant used with lathes and machine tools
- Plumbed in taps (throughout labs, kitchens and in fume hoods)
To minimise the risk of legionella, these systems should be cleaned regularly, with changing of water and addition of biocide or disinfectant. Taps should be flushed weekly for a minimum of 2 minutes. Flushing records must also be kept. The risk of legionella and the controls needed should be added to the risk assessment.
Please refer to:
FSE Water Systems – Cleaning Guidance to Mitigate Legionella
Weekly water taps recording sheet
The University’s guidance on Legionella can be found below:
4.11. Laser Safety in Physics
The safe use and management of lasers by University staff, students and visitors is outlined in the University Arrangements Chapter 27 - Laser Safety, which must be followed.
Your LLSA for Physics is Prof. Darren Graham, E-mail: Darren.Graham@manchester.ac.uk
4.11.1. Laser Classification
Laser classification is your first indicator of the hazard associated with a laser. The classification standard you should take note of on your laser is the international standard set by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and known as IEC 60825 (previously IEC 825). Within Europe this standard has been adopted as a European Normative standard known as EN 60825, and the British Standards version known as BS EN 60825. Ignore the CDRH (Center for Devices and Radiological Health) standard, which is solely for the USA as they never adopted the international standard. Lasers labelled Class I, II, IIIa, IIIb, or IV are indicating the CDRH classification and these do not directly translate to the IEC classification which are labelled Class 1, 1C, 1M, 2, 2M, 3R, 3B and 4. If you are in any doubt about the class of laser you have contact your Local Laser Safety Advisor (LLSA).
Overview of the different laser classifications
- Class 1, 1C, 1M lasers are safe to the naked eye. Class 1M is only safe provided it is not viewed with a Magnifier (telescope, microscope, magnifying glass etc.).
- Class 2, 2M lasers require the eye’s blink reflex to limit exposure to a safe level. You must however blink. Be aware that alcohol and certain drugs can hinder the blink reflex. Do not stare into the beam. Class 2M is only safe provided it is not viewed with a Magnifier (telescope, microscope, magnifying glass etc.).
- Class 3R, 3B lasers present a hazard from direct exposure to the beam. You must prevent direct exposure to the beam. Class 3B is very hazardous to the human eye and at the highest powers in this class can be harmful to the skin. Your eye must be protected from a Class 3B laser beam.
- Class 4 lasers are hazardous to the eyes and skin from both direct and scattered radiation. Your eyes and skin must be protected from the light from a Class 4 laser.
The Laser Safety Training course (THS42 or THS42e) can be booked through the training catalogue https://app.manchester.ac.uk/training/profile.aspx?unitid=2330&parentId=4. Existing laser users are reminded that they should attend a refresher Laser Safety Training course once every 5 years.
Although systems which fully enclosed or interlock Class 3B and 4 lasers are normally safe (e.g. Raman spectrometers) they should still be registered with the Local Laser Safety Advisor who will advise on whether any additional precautions are necessary.
4.11.2. The use of laser pointers
Laser pointers must be labelled according to the IEC standard as Class 2 and carry a CE mark. It is acceptable for the labelling to appear on a datasheet accompanying the laser when the laser is too small for the labels to be directly attached. If your laser pointer does not have this labelling on it or on an accompanying datasheet them it must not be used in lectures or presentations.
The document Guidance on the use of laser pointers provides further information and instructions on the use of pointers within the School.
4.11.3. Purchasing lasers or a change in use/location
The Local Laser Safety Advisor (LLSA) must be consulted before the procurement, or change in use/location, of any Class 3B or 4 laser equipment. The written permission of the LLSA must also be obtained prior to any Class 3B or 4 laser being brought into the Department. Permission can be by e-mail.
Caution when buying laser diodes - When buying laser diodes from some companies the diodes may be sold to you as a laser ‘component’ and not classified. You are advised not to purchase such laser diodes. If you do then when you plug it into a laser diode power supply you become the laser manufacturer and accept the legal responsibility for correctly classifying it. This is not trivial and has serious consequences if you get it wrong. For advice on classifying a laser speak to your LLSA.
4.11.4. Laser Installation and Service Visits
If an outside agency (e.g., the laser equipment supplier) is engaged to install or service any laser equipment, then a permit-to-work procedure must be adopted for handing the equipment over to the service engineer and accepting it back fully-restored to normal operation when the work is completed.
The following Laser permit to work form must be completed and signed by the School Safety Advisor or by another member of the School’s Health and Safety Committee before any work is undertaken.
4.11.5. Risk assessments
While a risk assessment and a set of local rules should be prepared for all laser activities, people developing activities involving the use of a Class 3B or 4 laser must submit copies of these documents to the LLSA for review. Remember the LLSA is there to assist PIs and users with the preparation of risk assessments. Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) and Exposure Limit Value (ELV) calculations for the eyes and skin must be included in risk assessments covering open beam work with Class 3B and 4 lasers in order to demonstrate that measures are in place to reduce user exposure below the MPE/ELV limits.
4.11.6. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – Laser safety eyewear
Laser safety eyewear should only be considered when it is not reasonably practicable to provide protection by other means (i.e. you cannot fully enclose the laser system). Where PPE is required then the laser risk assessment must include the calculations performed to determine the required eyewear and your LLSA must approve the choice of eyewear. When PPE is required then it must be worn. Protective eyewear is designed to protect against accidental exposure to laser radiation. It should not be used to protect against deliberate exposure or the intentional viewing of a laser beam.
Eyewear must:
• cover the wavelength range of the laser;
• be labelled for the laser type
‘D’=continuous wave, ‘I’= long pulse (1 ms to 250 ms), ‘R’=Q-switched, short pulse (1 ns to 1 ms), ‘M’=pico- and femto-second lasers (<1 ns);
• have a sufficient ‘LB’ rating (a scale number indicating the ability to reduce eye exposure and resistance to laser damage);
• be CE marked;
• be in good condition (i.e. no scratches or cracks).
Eyewear ‘only’ displaying the optical density (OD) numbers should not be used. OD is not enough to specify safe eyewear as it does not account for resistance to laser damage.
4.11.7. Useful videos
Laser Safety - Controlled Areas
Laser Safety - Alignment
Laser Safety - Eyewear and Filters
Laser Safety - Classification
4.11.8. Accidents and Near-miss events
Laser users must understand that if they suspect they have been struck in the eye by a laser beam or have any immediate concerns over their eyesight they should go to A&E as a matter of urgency. In emergencies the LLSA or a member of staff should assist and ensure a copy of the risk assessment is taken. The assessment will contain information that can help in diagnosis and treatment.
All laser incidents and near-miss events must be reported following the procedures given on the front page of StaffNet (www.staffnet.manchester.ac.uk/ see ‘Top Forms’) and also at www.healthandsafety.manchester.ac.uk/
Further guidance on the University’s policies on laser use can be found here:
4.12. Lift and Crane Equipment
Equipment used for carrying out lifting operations in the Department includes:
- Overhead gantry cranes
- Vacuum lifting cranes
- Hoists
- Scissor lifts
- Pallet trucks
- Work tables
- Lifting accessories, e.g. slings, hooks, shackles, eyebolts, clamps
All lifting equipment and accessories are subjected to statutory thorough examinations. These must take place every 6 months or 12 months, depending on the equipment and their intended usage. This is arranged by the I&F Technical Operations Manager and carried out by qualified engineers from our insurance provider, Allianz. You must notify the I&F Technical Operations Manager and School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) before purchasing lifting items and they must be added to the Department’s inventory and Department’s insurance list. At JBO, the Site Safety Advisor holds copies of the inspection certificates.
All personnel involved in lifting activities must be trained and qualified by completing the Learning and Organisational Development Slinging Safely training courses. Refresher training should take place at least every 5 years.
All lifting equipment must be locked away when not in use and out of reach of unauthorised users.
Please also see specific guidance for using JCBs and Cherry Pickers at JBO in Section 6.
4.12.1. Training courses
Novice: https://app.manchester.ac.uk/training/profile.aspx?unitid=6536&parentId=4
Experienced/Refresher: https://app.manchester.ac.uk/training/profile.aspx?unitid=6538&parentId=4
A risk assessment must be in place prior to using the equipment. A detailed Lift Plan must be in place when lifting or transporting large items. NEVER lend lifting equipment to untrained personnel.
Allianz issue an inspection report for all items tested, with an associated defect code. The reports and actions are managed by the I&F Technical Operations Manager. Items with an:
- A Defect must be taken out of use immediately and once amended tested by a qualified insurance engineer before use.
- B Defect must be rectified as soon as possible.
- C defects should be rectified as soon as possible but at least by the next inspections date
- Plant Not Available (PNA), MUST NOT be used until inspected by a qualified insurance engineer.
NEVER USE equipment outside of its testing date. Contact the I&F Technical Operations Manager to arrange for testing before use.
4.12.2. Schuster imposed loads
The imposed loading on Schuster floors should NOT EXCEED 150 lbs per sq.ft (226 kg per m2) NOR TO EXCEED 80 lbs per sq.ft (36 kg per 0.30 m2) within 4’0’’ (1.22 m) of any partition.
The sum of vertical loads hung from the channel inserts in the underside of any floor beam is NOT TO EXCEED 1,200 lbs (544 kg).
The horizontal load imposed on the channel inserts in the columns is NOT TO EXCEED 250 lbs (113 kg) per insert.
The horizontal load imposed on the channel inserts fixed to the walls is NOT TO EXCEED 150 lbs per foot run (226 kg per m).
The imposed load on the removable timber covers is NOT TO EXCEED 100 lbs. per sq. ft.
The University’s guidance on Lifting Operations can be found below:
4.13. Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)
LEV includes any engineering control system installed to reduce exposures to airborne contaminants such as dust, mist, fume, vapour or gas in a workplace. It includes:
- fume cupboards/hoods
- full/partial enclosures such as welding bays
- capture hoods
- soldering units
- multi-point ducting extract systems
- downdraught tables (if used to control exposure to hazardous substances)
- Nederman-type flexible receiving hoods and their extract systems
- spray booths
All LEVs require a statutory thorough inspection and testing every 14 months. This is arranged by the I&F Technical Operations Manager and carried out by qualified engineers from Allianz.
Three systems have been identified at Jodrell Bank:
- Welding bay in Telescope Workshop
- Welding bay in Mechanical Workshop
- Etch tanks in P.C.B. room (room closed and no longer in use)
These should be tested by the University’s approved insurance inspection company to establish flow rates and extraction efficiency, but it is the responsibility of individual users to ensure that the fans are working and appropriate for their particular application. Any problem arising from the use of the existing systems, or proposals for the installation of additional systems should be addressed to the I&F TOM.
All ducted local exhaust ventilation associated with roof fans in the Schuster building switches off in the event of a fire and during the weekly fire alarm tests. Therefore, there is no extraction during a fire alarm. Users of ducted fume hoods should lower the sash and leave the area immediately. All ducted LEV users should plan their work to ensure they are not working with hazardous materials during the weekly fire alarm test on Wednesdays at 9:15 am.
All multi-point ducting systems in Schuster MUST HAVE 10% of the ducts closed to ensure adequate extraction.
Monthly checks are carried out and recorded by the I&F technical team using calibrated anemometers. Calibrated anemometers may be borrowed on request from the I&F team.
Users of the LEVs must be trained and supervised until fully competent. Pre-use checks must be carried out before each use:
- LEV must have a valid inspection date
- Air flow indicator must show adequate air flow
- Sash height or opening must be kept to a minimum, and must never exceed the maximum level indicated on the equipment
- Items should be no closer than 150 (6 inches) to the front of a sash
- Working space must be kept as free as possible, and not be used as a storage area
- Working space must not contain any contaminants, incompatible materials or incompatible activities
Capture distances for soldering units and extraction arms must be stated within the risk assessment and must be used within this distance to ensure the contaminant is contained, NEVER use an extraction arm above your breathing zone as this will increase your exposure.
If a fault occurs, or if thorough examination is out of date, work must stop immediately and the fault reported to the I&F Technical Operations Manager, Building Manager or Safety Advisor. Notices must be displayed on the equipment and all users informed.
NB: Air movement does not mean the airflow has reached an adequate level to create sufficient extraction. Airflow can only be checked properly by appropriate equipment, such as an anemometer, not by a piece of paper blowing at the LEV. Checks must be carried out by a trained and competent person.
NB: Microbiological cabinets or biological safety cabinets, and cabinets providing protection from environmental contamination only (e.g. laminar flow cabinets) are not tested by Allianz, Departments are responsible for ensuring these are serviced and inspected at least every 14 months by qualified engineers.
Example risk assessment for fume hoods, extraction arms and soldering units are available on the Physics intranet and caused as a starting point for your own assessment.
A safe operating procedure (SOP) for fume hoods and SOP of the digital display can be found on the Physics intranet.
Pre-use fume hood checks can be found on the Physics intranet under the forms section
The University’s guidance on LEV can be found below:
4.14. Nanomaterials (including graphene)
The term “nanomaterial” has been defined by the European Commission as a natural, incidental or manufactured material containing particles in an unbound state or as an aggregate or agglomerate and where 50% or more of the particles have one or more external dimension in the size range 1-100nm. Nanomaterials have a wide range of chemical compositions and come in many different shapes, including fibres, objects, particulates, plates, tubes, dots, wires and powders.
It is generally agreed that current knowledge regarding the toxicity of particulate nanomaterials is incomplete and current safety data sheets may not contain all the required safety information. Therefore, a precautionary approach must be applied when carrying out a risk assessment.
Academic Supervisors and Line Managers must ensure users of nanomaterials:
- Complete a pre-employment questionnaire with Occupational Health and have a valid fitness to work certificate before they start work.
- Participate in a health surveillance check if risk assessment identifies the need.
- Carry out suitable and sufficient risk assessments.
- Are trained and supervised until competent, with training records kept locallu
The use of graphene is strictly prohibited in Schuster and Alan Turing.
The University’s guidance on Nanomaterials can be found below:
4.15. Non-Ionising Radiation
Non-ionising radiation (NIR) is the term used to describe the part of the electromagnetic spectrum covering two main regions, namely optical radiation (ultraviolet (UV), visible and infrared) and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) (power frequencies, microwaves and radio frequencies).
The Department has various sources of NIR in the form of cryostats (see cryostats sections 4.21.7 and 4.21.8), mercury lamps, welding activities, high powered LEV’s, UV lasers (see laser section), and microwaves (including domestic ovens). Other sources may include but are not limited to, transilluminators, sterilising equipment, TLC viewing cabinets, cadmium lamps, hand held UV lamps, ozone generators, housed UV sources (e.g. in microscopes), phospholuminescence equipment and fly killing tubes (insectocutors).
4.15.1. Microwave ovens
The safe limit for leakage is 5 mW/cm2. Any oven with a defective or loose seal or door grid should be reported to the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics), who will arrange for testing with the Radiation Safety Unit (RSU).
All microwave ovens, whether used in laboratories, workshops or cleanrooms, should be registered with the Radiation Safety Unit. Contact your School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) with the following information: Location, Model, Serial Number, Person responsible for the oven, who will add the oven to the Department Inventory.
4.15.2. UV sources
UV light is harmful to skin and eyes. There are both short term effects (serious damage to the cornea (photokeratitis) and to the skin (erythema)) and long term effects (skin aging, cataracts and cancers). Different wavelengths of UV light and intensity of source output considerably alter the time required before serious injury occurs. All UV light exposure should be kept to a minimum. A few seconds exposure may be sufficient to cause serious eye damage which may not be felt for several hours and may also be very painful.
A safety awareness course for UV sources is mandatory for all users of UV equipment on and off campus.
All UV emitting equipment (100-400nm) or that which is suspected to fall in this range MUST be registered with the Radiation Safety Unit.
Please could you fill in the online registration form here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=B8tSwU5hu0qBivA1z6kad1oONjjle_NNo-PIQ0FyL15UNU43VUcwWkxHQVdBVUxEVTVSOVJUV05YTCQlQCN0PWcu
Please complete a separate form for each item of equipment you are registering and let me know if you have any issues. NOTE: This is for any non-LASER-based source.
Please contact the Department Non-Ionising Radiation Advisor (NISA) for further details.
Warning signs must be clearly visible on the equipment and, where necessary, the lab door/ wall.
Prevention of exposure during use of UV light requires the use of a full face shield that complies with the requirements of BS EN170:2002 and is appropriately CE marked. Ordinary laboratory splash spectacles do not absorb UV and should never be used to protect the eyes during UV exposure.
4.15.3. Visors
Visors must be purchased from RSU. The Radiation Safety Unit labels all face shields that are suitable to protect against UV 'FOR UV PROTECTION' and are engraved with an identification number and the date of issue. Those that are NOT LABELLED are NOT SUITABLE and must not be used.
4.15.4. Electromagnetic fields
Restrictions on the effects of exposure to EMFs are based upon established health effects and are termed basic restrictions. Depending on the frequency, the physical quantities used to specify the basic restrictions to occupational exposure are as follows:
Between 1 Hz and 10 MHz, basic restrictions are provided on Current density to prevent effects on nervous system functions.
Between 100 kHz and 10 GHz, basic restrictions on Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) are provided. This quantity is a measure of how much heat is deposited in body tissues. SAR levels are applied to prevent whole body heat stress and prevent excessive localised tissue heating, at 0.4 W/kg and 10 W/kg respectively.
In the 100kHz-10 MHz range, restrictions are provided on both Current density at f/100 (f in kHz) and SAR as above.
Between 10 and 300 GHz, basic restrictions are provided on Power density to prevent excessive heating in tissue at or near the body surface. This is restricted to 100 W/m2 .
Those working near magnetic fields, may arrange for a survey especially if they have any health concerns regarding their exposure. For static magnetic fields, occupational exposure should not exceed the time weighted average for 8 hours of 200 mT. Occupational whole-body exposure should not exceed a magnetic flux density ceiling value of 2 T. For limbs only, exposures of 5 T can be permitted.
Those fitted with a cardiac pacemaker or ferromagnetic implants should be aware that magnetic fields may not be protected by these limits. The majority of cardiac pacemakers are unlikely to be affected by fields <0.5 mT. Above this threshold, such locations should be avoided.
Areas with magnetic flux densities >3mT should specify with a warning sign to prevent movement or dislodgement of ferromagnetic implants, or hazards from flying metal objects.
4.16. Noise
Noise can be described as unwanted sound. Sounds and noise are an important part of everyday life; however, at high levels, they can cause health and hearing problems. Occupational noise can cause permanent or disabling hearing damage to individuals. Hearing loss may be a gradual process because of exposure to noise over time, or, instantaneously due to sudden, extreme loud noises.
All equipment and activities that produce noise must be risk assessed. Academic Supervisors and Line Managers must implement appropriate control measures to minimise the noise level in a work area. Lower noise level equipment should be the preferred option during the procurement process.
Any exposure above 80 decibels requires additional risk assessments and control measures and may be in excess of acceptable limits. The level at which managers, supervisors and principal investigators must further assess the risk to staff and students' health and provide them with information and training is 80 decibels (dB).
The level at which managers, supervisors and principal investigators must provide hearing protection and hearing protection zones is 85 dB (daily or weekly average exposure). There is an exposure limit value of 87 dB, taking account of any reduction in exposure provided by hearing protection, above which staff and students MUST NOT be exposed.
To determine daily and weekly noise exposure levels use the HSE exposure calculators.
If it is suspected that noise levels may be in excess of 80 decibels, you must consult the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics). An assessment of the risk must then be carried out and the exposure levels measured. Appropriate control measures must then be agreed with the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics).
All staff and students regularly exposed to noise levels above 85 decibels must undergo hearing checks (audiometry) and health surveillance with Occupational Health.
The University’s guidance on Noise can be found below:
4.17. Open plan and shared laboratories
There is a requirement for the Department to ensure that there is adequate co-operation, co-ordination and communication between those sharing a workplace to ensure that everyone is sufficiently informed about all the risks present.
To ensure that lab personnel are made adequately aware of the changing nature of risk and to maintain acceptable standards of health and safety, it is advisable that there should be a “champion” e.g. senior/ lead academic or equivalent who has sufficient management authority to ensure that adequate cooperation, coordination and communication takes place between neighbouring research groups. The nominated person should have good links with the Department health, safety and wellbeing committee.
Further University guidance can be found below:
4.18. Overnight and long term running of equipment
Any equipment left to run unsupervised overnight or for longer periods must have sufficient information posted on it to ensure methods to make safe equipment in an emergency, and contact details of the operator. Permission to run equipment overnight or for longer periods should be sought BEFORE it is left to operate from an academic supervisor or line manager of the area. A risk assessment must also be in place to specify control measures for leaving the equipment running out of hours. This must be signed by the Academic Supervisor or Line Manager. Permission should only be granted only after the production and scrutiny of a suitable and sufficient risk assessment.
Overnight Equipment Permit form can be found on the Physics intranet.
4.19. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
PPE is the least effective method of controlling exposure to a hazard and engineering controls and safe systems of work should always be considered before PPE. In cases where PPE is relied upon heavily, health surveillance should be arranged with Occupational Health to ensure the risk of exposure is adequately controlled.
PPE is all equipment (including, but not limited to clothing) required to be worn or held by a person at work to protect them against the identified hazards in their workplace. All equipment must conform to British Standards (shown by a BS EN number) and be CE marked.
PPE is equipment that will protect the user against work-related hazards. PPE includes items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and safety harnesses. It also includes respiratory protective equipment (RPE).
If PPE is provided for use as a risk assessment control measure it must be worn correctly.
It is the responsibility of the Academic Supervisor or Line Manager to ensure users of PPE are trained in the safe use, handling and storage of PPE including maintenance, cleaning, pre use checks and disposal. Safety Advisors can provide advice and guidance.
The personal protective equipment selected must be appropriate for the risks involved, take account of ergonomic requirements, fit the wearer correctly, be compatible with any other PPE and not increase the overall risks (i.e. impede evacuation or operation). Where PPE is subject to statutory inspection and testing, records must be kept.
The use of Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) requires additional considerations prior to use such as how the work in question will affect other users within a space and if they too should use RPE.
RPE requires face fit testing prior to use along with suitable training. If you wear glasses, have a beard or even facial stubble, then RPE is not suitable and will not be effective. Positive pressure RPE mask may be considered.
The selection of RPE and any filters must be carefully considered as part of the selection process, a Safety Data sheet for the substance concerned will give guidance.
For these reasons and the unreliable nature of RPE the use of RPE is discouraged and other more suitable control measures must be fully exhausted first. The School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) should be consulted in the planning stages of utilising RPE.
Commonly used PPE within the Department includes:
White lab coat |
White Howie lab coat |
Workshop overalls or suitable lab coat |
Safety Glasses |
Face Visor |
Gloves |
Ear defenders / plugs |
Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) |
Further University Guidance can be found below:
4.20. Prescription Safety Glasses
If prescription safety glasses are required for regular work in a laboratory or workshop the Department must provide these free of charge.
Prescription glasses can be obtained from the vision centre in Carys Bannister Building, number 88 on the campus map.
- Either call in at reception or ring 0161 306 3860 to book an appointment. These take approximately 2 hours as the examination and fitting is used for teaching purposes.
- At your appointment you will receive an eye test followed by a fitting for your safety spectacles.
- Please bring the form for payment to your School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) in G.51, or scan the form and send via email. Optometry will call you when your prescription spectacles are ready.
4.21. Pressure Systems
This includes any pressure system which exceeds 0.5 bar, it must be registered on the insurance list if it is over 250 Bar/L.
Pressure systems and equipment in the University include:
- Boilers and steam heating systems
- Pressurised process plant and piping
- Compressed air systems (fixed and portable)
- Pressure cookers, autoclaves and retorts
- Heat exchangers and refrigeration plant
- Pressure valves, steam traps and filters
- Pipework and hoses
- Pressure gauges and level indicators
Designers, manufacturers, suppliers, installers, users and owners all have duties to manage the risks of:
- Impact from the blast of an explosion or release of compressed liquid or gas
- Impact from parts of equipment that fail or any flying debris
- Contact with the released liquid or gas, such as steam
- Fire resulting from the escape of flammable liquids or gases
Within the Department the I&F Technical Operations Manager should keep an inventory of all pressure vessels to ensure they are suitably inspected by the University’s insurer and maintained effectively.
People involved in any part of this process must ensure the systems or equipment are correctly designed, constructed and installed. Protective devices must be in place to allow the safe release of pressure and minimise the risk of explosion. A thorough written scheme of examination (WSE) must be carried out and certified by a competent person before work can commence.
All pressure systems are subjected to statutory examination every 14 months, by qualified engineers from Allianz.
Users must not modify any pressure systems unless the I&F Technical Operations Manager has been consulted, and the work approved by the Academic Supervisor or Line Manager. Systems that are modified by the Department must prepare a technical file to demonstrate compliance to EU legislations, with all the safety requirements specified.
The Academic Supervisor and Line Manager are responsible for ensuring the safe operation must ensure that any users are suitably trained and instructed to do so. Risk assessments must be in place before the use of any pressure system.
Pressure systems not required to be inspected by the University insurer should be listed on the Asset register of LabCup. The pressure release value (PRV) should also be listed along with the date that this expires.
Coffee machines: Some coffee machines that produce steam come under the PSSR regulations. However, they do not contain a pressure relief valve (PRV) and so can’t be added and tested via our insurance providers. However, they can be serviced and maintained as per manufacturers guidelines. These types of coffee machines are NOT permitted in personal offices. However, are allowed in shared communal places e.g. kitchens.
Details on this procedure can be found on the Physics intranet LabCup page.
The University’s guidance on Pressure Systems can be found below:
4.21.1. Gas Cylinder Safety
The use of Gas Cylinders is restricted to those who have been trained or instructed to do so.
To operate a cylinder e.g. turning on and off, checking gauges etc. local instruction is required, this training on use of gas cylinders can be done in-house by a competent person. Competency records of this training should be kept.
To install, move or maintain Gas Cylinders including regulators, all persons must have attended TLCA105 Compressed Gases Workshop provided by Learning and Organisational Development.
The correct PPE must be provided for moving gas cylinders, which includes safety shoes and gripper gloves. All personnel must wear safety glasses when using gas cylinders and if flammable gases are being used a flame retardant laboratory coat must also be worn.
Only transport cylinders in the goods lift with the lift locked out. The user must then travel in a separate lift or use the stairs to meet the vessel. NEVER transport cylinders with people in the lift.
Positioning of gas cylinders within a laboratory should be risk assessed to ensure they are a suitable distance from incompatible materials, do not cause an obstruction and are suitably secure. Flammable and oxidant gases will increase the risk of fire. Gas cylinders must not be placed near exit routes. Gas cylinders must be clamped to a sturdy bench, chained to a wall or bench or in an appropriate secure cylinder stand when in use. NEVER USE a gas cylinder with the regulator attached in a trolley, as this is unsecure. If the cylinder was to fall the neck of the cylinder would break and cause the gas cylinder to project at high speeds across the room.
The School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) should be informed of any toxic, flammable or oxidising gas cylinder to ensure the adequate controls are in place.
NEVER USE a gas cylinder or regulator which is damaged or out of date. Regulators typically need replacing every 5 years, this should be considered as a cost in research grants. Your School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) has a list of gas specialists who can offer advice on the correct type of regulator.
Gas cylinders should be listed on LabCup under the chemical inventory section. Regulators should be listed on the Asset register of LabCup, with the date that this expires.
Details on this procedure can be found on the Physics intranet LabCup page.
All regulator must be formally inspected yearly and recorded in the safety file using the regulator checklist.
Gas cylinders are subject to their own statutory inspections, typically every 10 years. DO NOT use cylinders outside of this test date, these require sending back to the manufacturer for testing, this test date can be found on the neck of the gas cylinder.
Gases must only be used in a well-ventilated area or areas fitted with gas sensors, oxygen depletion sensors and alarms. Quantity of gases must be kept to a minimum. Replacement cylinders typically arrive in 2 days in Stores so spare cylinders should not be required for most processes.
It is the responsibility of the academic supervisor or line manager to ensure the suitable controls measures are in place BEFORE the gas cylinder is ordered. The University limit for oxygen depletion is 19.0%. If a full release of gas would reduce the oxygen level to below this point then an oxygen depletion monitor must be installed. The release of a gas can cause dizziness, potential loss of consciousness, severe brain damage, and even death. Other toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide may cause severe health damage, and even death. Toxic gases typically have low levels of detection and usually a relevant gas monitor for that substance will be required even if a full release does not reduce oxygen levels to below 19.0%. For example, the University limit for CO2 levels is 0.5% so even if the oxygen levels are calculated above 19.5% limit you will still need a CO2 monitor if the CO2 level is calculated at above 0.5% for CO2. Before ordering a toxic gas, please seek advice from your School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics). If a monitor is required then the I&F Technical Operation Manager will need to be consulted.
Physics Stores maintain a stock of commonly used gas cylinders. Contact them for more details. When the gas cylinder is empty it must be taken back to Stores as soon as possible. Let Stores know and they will arrange collection.
Risk assessments must be in place before use. The Physics H&S intranet pages contain an example risk assessments for compressed gas for use as a starting point for your own assessments. It must be modified to your own work. All gases must have an appropriate CRA form.
Gas calculations should form part of the risk assessment, to determine if oxygen depletion or other (oxygen enrichmewnt, WEL or LEL and UEL) will reach a critical level in the event of an accidental release or equipment failure. Calculations must include all gases used in a single area. Gas calculations for all gases must be included within your risk assessment and placed in the safety file within the area.
Gas lecture bottles: These should be stored upright at all times and placed on LabCup along with their expiry date. If they contain a toxic gas, a monitor may be required, consult the safety advisor before purchasing.
Stores do not dispose of lecture bottles, as this can be expensive it is important to buy lecture bottles from a supplier who will collect the lecture bottle at then end once empty.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) on Cylinder and Regulator checks and using your regulator can be found in the SOP on the Physics intranet.
The University’s guidance on Gas Monitors can be found below:
4.21.2. Acetylene
The use of acetylene is currently prohibited in the Department on campus. Any approval of acetylene must come from University fire officers. Please contact your School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) for more information.
There are acetylene cylinders at Jodrell Bank Observatory. The location of these cylinders can be found on the Emergency shut off plan.
4.21.3. Regulators
Regulators should be inspected frequently for signs of corrosion or mechanical damage. Oil or grease should never be used to obtain a gas seal especially between the regulator and the cylinder head.
The recommended maximum lifetime for any regulator is 5 years from manufacture (even if unused) if used in conjunction with a non-corrosive gas.Toxic regulator such as for use with ammonia should be replaced every 2 years.
Regulators should carry the BSI kite mark and BS5741. Older or non-compliant gauges may not have captive dials/needles and may fail catastrophically.
Cylinder pressures have increased over the years. 230 bar is common and values of 300 bar are to be expected in the near future. Many older regulators are only rated to 200 bar and should not be used in conjunction with these high pressure cylinders.
Always ensure that the cylinder colour code, the cylinder contents and pressure label and the regulator match. Do not rely on the cylinder's colour alone. If the label is missing, illegible or differs from the colour code then the cylinder should be returned to the manufacturer.
Oils or lubricants MUST NOT be used when fitting regulators. The use of PTFE tape should also be minimised as it can contain low molecular weight residues which may present an explosion hazard with compressed oxygen. If leaks are apparent this probably indicates either defects, wear or that an incorrect regulator is being used.
Force should not be applied in an attempt to correct a poor seal as this may cause further damage. Other malfunctions such as wavering pressure readings, jammed spindles etc. represent a damaged regulator. Damaged regulators must be sent back to the manufacturer for repair.
The use of soapy water to detect leaks presents a corrosion hazard and is not permitted. A specifically designed product should be used instead, which most gas suppliers can supply.
Regulators along with their expiry dates should be listed on the Asset register section of LabCup. Details on this procedure can be found on the Physics intranet LabCup page.
Also see the risk assessment for acetylene cylinders and regulators.
4.21.4. Emergency arrangements
If a full release of gas were to occur emergency arrangements for this release MUST BE in place in the safety file. Every user of this area should be made aware of these emergency arrangements and how to act should a release occur. The Physics H&S intranet pages contain an example emergency arrangements template which can be adapted for your own usage.
4.21.5. Gas Cylinder Manifolds
The pressure relief valve (PRV) and manifold system must be replaced typically every 5 years by a qualified gas engineer. A test certificate must be acquired for insurance purposes. The associated costs should be considered in grant applications. NEVER use out of date manifolds.
The manifolds must be registered with the Department insurance providers. A written scheme of examination (WSE) must be in place before use and should be tested by a qualified insurance engineer at specific intervals specified in the WSE. Seek advice from the I&F Technical Operations Manager and School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) before installing any manifold system as this will need to be registered as an Estates project.
All manifolds must be registered on the Department’s inventory. All users must be trained and must have attended TLCA105 Compressed Gases Workshop provided by Learning and Organisational Development. Risk assessment must be in place before use. Any defects should be reported immediately and the manifold should not be used until fixed/replaced by a qualified gas specialist.
4.21.6. Gas Alarms and Oxygen Depletion Sensors
Detection systems are installed in areas where toxic gases or asphyxiant gases are used. These are programmed to alarm if toxic gas rises, or oxygen decreases, to a level that can harm human life (19.5% oxygen level is considered to be the safe working limit). The warning should be both audible (siren) and visual (flashing light).
Schuster basement research corridor has oxygen depletion sensors throughout due to the large volume of gases from the helium recovery system within the sub-basement, if all sensors are alarming in the basement research corridor, this is a serious leak, leave immediately and press the fire break glass to evacuate everyone from the building.
Consideration should be sought from a competent gas specialist as to the amount of sensors and types required, this will depend on the density of the gas and also the size of the room. For example, where helium gas is present sensors will need to be installed at height, whereas argon gas will require sensors to be installed near the ground.
If the alarm activates, evacuate from the area immediately and contact the Responsible Person for that area. Ensure others cannot enter the area. NEVER enter a room that is alarming. NEVER try and rescue a person who has become asphyxiated in a room that is alarming. Ring fire service on 999, who have breathing apparatus, then ring security on 0161 306 9966.
The sensors and alarms are serviced by qualified contractors every 6 months. Contact the I&F Technical Operations Manager if you have acquired a portable gas monitor so it can be added to the service contract. Any fixed monitors must be installed by Estates.
4.21.7. Cryogenic liquids
The Department uses large amounts of liquid helium and liquid nitrogen; some applications require liquid argon. The liquid to gas ratio of liquid helium is ~739, liquid nitrogen is ~ 683 and liquid argon is ~ 824. For example, a 120 L release of liquid helium would occupy x 739 larger space = 88680 L of helium gas released into the room. A release of this size would rapidly displace the oxygen in the area. If the area is not adequately ventilated, this can result in asphyxiation and even death.
Vessels and Dewars must be stored in areas where oxygen depletion monitors are stored (if the calculation show the oxygen level would fall below 19.5% with a full release). Never leave cryogenic vessels and Dewars in corridors as they are unprotected here if a release were to occur and this would also jeopardise others emergency escape route.
Stores staff will fill your Dewar or vessel with liquid nitrogen. Once filled they leave these in the basement research corridor and will email the users; please pick vessels up in a timely manner. Liquid helium is obtained from the helium recovery unit in the basement. Liquid argon will need to be ordered from BOC.
Inhalation of the cold vapour can cause lung damage. Skin contact with the gas, or parts of equipment containing the gas, can cause severe cryogenic burns. Tissue damage is similar to frost-bite or thermal burns. Unprotected parts of the skin may stick to the low temperature surfaces, resulting in the flesh being torn away. Cold burns should be treated with tepid water for ~10 minutes and then covered in a burns dressing from a first aid box.
Pressure vessels over 250 Bar/L must be added to the insurance database, be examined by a qualified engineer and be issued a Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) before use and should be tested by a qualified insurance engineer at specific intervals specified in the WSE. Never use a vessel outside of its test date.
All pressure vessels should be added to the Department inventory, regardless of size. The pressure relief valves (PRV) on the vessels must be in date and should be changed every 5 years and come with a certificate of testing, which will be required for insurance purposes.
When acquiring vessels into the Department please inform the I&F Technical Operations Manager and School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) so that the inventory can be updated and if needed the vessel can be added to the insurance list and a WSE can be obtained before use, this is a legal requirement.
If a pressure vessel is known to have been damaged, is icing up or excessively releasing gas, it must be taken out of service immediately, as this could be dangerous. Please contact the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics).
Onion Dewars are fitted with loose fitting polystyrene lids as a safety device. Do not use an onion Dewar without a lid. Without a lid, ice plugs may form in the neck of onion Dewars when moisture comes into contact with the cold gas. The resulting ice plug may form a complete seal across the onion Dewar neck, preventing normal venting of gas, which would result in an explosion.
Should an ice plug be found sealing the neck of an onion Dewar, evacuate the area immediately and ensure no one else can enter. Contact the emergency services and the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics).
All users must be trained and supervised until fully competent. All users must have completed the TLCA100 Cryogenic Gases E Learning provided by Learning and Organisational Development BEFORE they commence work. Training certificates must be kept in the safety files within the area. It is the responsibility of the academic supervisor or line manager to ensure that training has taken place before use.
Risk assessments must be in place before use. The Physics H&S intranet pages contain an example risk assessment for cryogenic liquids for use as a starting point for your own assessments. It must be modified to your own work. All cryogenic liquids must have an appropriate CRA form.
Pre-use checks must be carried out before each use, to ensure the equipment is in good condition and free from defects. All connections must be secure.
Clear signage must be displayed in areas with cryogenic liquids and all personnel in that area should be trained in the appropriate action in response to the gas alarms.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as identified by the risk assessment MUST be worn, such as visors and gloves. Cryogenic gloves are essential when handling cryogenic liquids, there are different types of cryogenic gloves. Thick gloves can be used to hold cold pipes, whereas blue cryogenic gloves are used to protect from splashes of cryogenic liquids, they are not thick enough to protect from cold burns.
Only use designated cryogenic containers to store cryogenic liquids. A domestic vacuum flask must never be used, as they may explode.
Cryogenic liquids must only be transported in the goods lift. If using the lift, it must be locked out and users travel in a separate lift or use the stairs to meet the vessel. NEVER transport cryogenic liquids with people in the lift, this is a confined space and there is high risk asphyxiation.
The University’s guidance on Cryogenic Materials can be found below:
4.21.8. Cryostats
A cryostat is a device used to maintain low cryogenic temperatures of samples or devices mounted within the cryostat. Low temperatures may be maintained within a cryostat by using various refrigeration methods, most commonly using cryogenic fluid bath such as liquid helium. Hence it is usually assembled into a vessel, similar in construction to a vacuum flask or Dewar. Please see section on pressure vessels and cryogenic liquids.
The cryostats used within the Department typically have large magnetic fields, this can have serious health implications for people who have pacemakers, other heart conditions or ferrous implants, for this reason all areas containing cryostats with strong magnetic fields must be labelled accordingly with warning signs to ensure the safety of all personnel within the Department.
They must be registered on the Department inventory and the I&F Technical Operations Manager and School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) should be informed before acquiring to ensure the correct positioning. They must also be registered with the University Radiation Safety Unit (RSU). The 5 Gauss line must be clearly marked on the floor around the cryostat to warn users of the danger. Metal objects can be attracted to the cryostat within this 5 Gauss line (However, the projectile zone is typically drawn at 30 to 50 Gauss).. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure everyone’s safety when working within these areas. The 5 Gauss line should not encroach into corridors or offices.
4.22. Radiological Safety
In the Department of Physics & Astronomy, only the Radiation Protection Supervisor, Dr Paul Campbell (Paul.Campbell-3@manchester.ac.uk , phone 0161 275 4157), or Deputy Radiation Protection Supervisor, Dr Gavin Smith (Gavin.Smith@manchester.ac.uk , phone 0161 275 4156), or the Head of Department, are permitted to:
- Acquire, transfer or dispose of radioactive materials (outside of exemptions outlined in the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2016).
- Directly access any High Activity Sealed Source, should these be present.
- Make alterations to the security arrangements.
- Authorise alterations to safety arrangements (interlocks, shielding, or containment).
- Designate areas for the use of radioactive materials (or remove designation).
- Authorise access to work in designated areas.
- Transport sources between designated areas.
- Authorise the use of x-ray producing equipment.
- Make alterations to the Local Rules.
- Sign and authorise Risk Assessments (concerning the use of radioactive materials).
- Authorise or certify individuals to be occupationally exposed to ionising radiation at sites outside of the university.
All other staff and students intending to use ionising radiation or those facing potential occupational exposure must:
- Attend the Radiation Safety Awareness Course run by the University Radiation Safety Unit (details here) or provide evidence of having attended previous (local) versions of this training or higher level training elsewhere. Registration to attend this course is achieved by written request (to the Radiation Protection Supervisor, Paul.Campbell-3@manchester.ac.uk, phone 0161 275 4157).
- If required, undergo local training given by the Radiation Protection Supervisor.
- Attend refresher training which should take place at least every 5 years (same course link as above).
- Read and sign the appropriate and current Local Rules and Radiation Risk Assessment and any other documents concerning non-radioactive hazards.
All work with radioactive material, as described in each Risk Assessment, can only take place given that there exists:
- Full contingency and response for events resulting in radioactive contamination, loss of containment or loss of radioactive material. In any such event the RPS and Head of Department must be immediately informed.
- All work involving the production of open radiation sources is confined to the 5th floor Radiochemical Laboratory, which is a Radiation Controlled Area. Access to this laboratory is restricted to authorised users only. Cleaners should not be permitted to enter or clean this area.
- All users of radiological materials and equipment must be trained and supervised until fully competent.
4.23. Safety Signs
These are provided to warn people of risks where existing controls cannot completely remove a hazard. They are particularly useful on external doors to warn others in the building of the hazards contained within the area e.g. cleaner, Estates personnel and firefighters. When they are provided by the Department, they must comply with the appropriate legislation (Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996).
Apart from the normal fire exit signs within the corridors which are provided and maintained by the Estates Department, the Department also provides many other safety related signs. If a risk assessment identifies the need for other warning signs, speak to the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) who will ensure the correct signage is provided.
Signage should be clearly visible and free from obstructions. Any defects should be reported to the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics).
All laboratories, workshops and clean rooms must display the following door signage template in order to inform who to contact in an emergency and also what hazards are present in these rooms, this should be reviewed regularly.
Different types of signage:
Prohibition sign This prohibits a behaviour likely to increase or cause danger. |
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Warning sign This gives a warning of a hazard or danger. |
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Mandatory sign This prescribes a specific behaviour that must be followed. |
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Green sign This gives specific information. |
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4.24. Soldering and Spot Welding
All soldering and spot-welding activities must be risk assessed, and only carried out in designated areas with sufficient local exhaust extraction (LEV), away from all sources of ignition. Since solder is hazardous to health a relevant CRA risk assessment must also be produced or included within the soldering risk asessment. The workplace exposure limits (WELs) for rosin-based solder fume are as low as reasonably practicable but must be below 0.05 mg/m3 8-hour time weighted average (TWA) and 0.15 mg/m3 15-minute Short Term Exposure limit (STEL).
Academic Supervisors and Line Managers must implement appropriate control measures. Only trained and competent users can carry out these activities. Risk assessments should be in place before work commences. The Physics intranet has an example soldering risk assessment that can be used as a starting point to adapt to your own assessment. Videos on Basic Soldering Techniques and Soldering – Best Practice are also available to aid safe working practices when soldering.
Use of tin/lead based solder is not recommended due to the risk of lead poisoning. Always wash your hands after soldering. Rosin based solder flux fumes are produced when soldering. This fume is a top cause of occupational asthma. Contact with this solder fume and its residues can also cause skin problems such as dermatitis. Best practice would be to use lead-free and rosin-free solder.
Cadmium based solder is banned due to its serious health effects, please contact the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics) if any is present in your laboratory so it can dispose of correctly by a chemical waste contractor.
If you are purchasing a soldering unit, please contact the I&F Technical Operational Manager who can advise, the unit will also need to be registered on the insurance database. Monthly checks are carried out by the I&F technical team.
Further guidance on control measures when soldering can be found on the HSE website below:
4.25. Suitable Clothing
In addition to the mandatory PPE identified in risk assessments, laboratory, workshop and clean rooms workers should:
- Ensure long hair is tucked away.
- Wear clothing that ensures that their legs are entirely covered (note - tights do not provide adequate protection).
- Wear flat, closed footwear.
- Remove jewellery when there is a risk of entrapment and drawing-in.
4.26. Vibration
All equipment and activities that produce vibration must be risk assessed. The Academic Supervisor and Line Manager must implement appropriate control measures to minimise the level of vibration in the work area. Vibration levels of equipment should be specified in the risk assessment; this information can be found in the manufactures handbooks; they legally must supply this information. Using the HSE Hand-arm vibration calculator it is possible to calculate the duration the equipment can be used for before exceeding the daily exposure action value (EAV) of 2.5 m/s2 and an exposure limit value (ELV) of 5 m/s2. To be cautious the School recommends not exceeding the EAV on any one day.
There are 2 categories of vibration: (i) whole-body and (ii) hand-arm.
Regular or prolonged exposure to vibration can cause long-term health damage, such as hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) or carpel tunnel syndrome (CTS).
Some vibrating equipment also produces high level of noise. Therefore, a noise assessment may be required.
Anyone frequently exposed to vibration must undergo health surveillance with Occupational Health.
Where possible, organise work and design workstations to avoid uncomfortable postures and the need for high manual effort to grip, push or pull equipment. To avoid excessive exposure from vibration, take regular breaks and consider job rotation to lower exposure levels.
When selecting equipment, consideration should be to buy low vibration equipment to avoid the ill-health effects from vibration. Equipment can deteriorate with time in terms of vibration, employees should report it at the earliest opportunity to enable management to investigate.
Further information can be found in HSE guidance document INDG175 and University guidance document at the link below:
4.27. Welding
The main categories of hazard associated with welding are Health-related:
- exposure to fume and gases generated during welding
- noise and vibration
- manual handling
and Safety-related:
- fire and explosion
- lack of oxygen in confined spaces
- electrical hazards
- slips and trips
Welding activities must only take place by qualified welders. All welding activities must be risk assessed.
General guidance on welding can be found in the Safety Services Toolkit link below:
Specifying Safety Critical Welds guidance can be found in the University guidance document link below:
Further guidance on welding can be found on the HSE website:
4.28. Working at height
Working any distance above ground level is classed as Working at Height. Therefore, all users of ladders, stepladders, kick-stools and working platforms should be trained and competent. Work at height also includes work in locations or situations which are below ground level, e.g. accessing a pit or a confined space.
Avoid work at height where it is reasonably practicable to do so.
An online training course is available from the Learning and Organisational Development:
TLCO500 Ladder Awareness Online those routinely working at height should complete this course.
All users of such equipment must carry out a pre-use check to ensure they are in good condition and free from defects. All work must carry a valid risk assessment. Defective equipment must be reported to the Academic Supervisor or Line Manager and be removed from use immediately. At JBO, report issues to the Site Safety Advisor.
All kick stools, stepladders, ladders and working platforms must be registered on the Department’s Ladders Inventory, contact the School Safety Advisor (Department of Physics). All stepladders, ladders and working platforms must have a Laddertag and be in-date. Ladders must be inspected annually using the Physics ladder checklist. Do not use if the inspection date has expired.
Only class 1 or EN131 step ladders and ladders should be used within the Department. The University does not allow the use of wooden ladders.
Example ladder risk assessment can be found here
No lone working at height is permitted within the Department. Working at height is not permitted out-of-hours.
The University’s Guidance on Working at Height can be found below:
At JBO, working at height also includes Mobile Elevated Platforms / Cherry Pickers and working on the Telescopes. Please follow the links to those sections for more information.