Rewarding Exceptional Performance – nominations now open
06 Jan 2025
Take time to recognise members of your teams
The annual Rewarding Exceptional Performance (REP) Scheme for colleagues is now open for nominations from Monday, 6 January until Friday, 21 February.
REP is one of many opportunities whereby line managers can recognise colleagues, or teams, who have performed exceptionally for a one-off initiative or for sustained exceptional performance over six months.
In a year when many colleagues have gone above and beyond, nominations should clearly demonstrate how and why a colleague’s contribution has been truly exceptional and stands out as making a significant contribution.
Ele Morrissey, Executive Director of People commented: “Rewarding Exceptional Performance is a great opportunity to celebrate our colleagues and their contributions to our organisation. I encourage all line managers to nominate members of their teams who have made exceptional contributions over the past year."
What will successful nominees receive?
Successful nominees for one-off initiatives will be awarded a payment, usually up to the value of one increment.
Where a colleague has shown a sustained exceptional performance, they will advance to the next point on the salary scale. For those who are already at the top of their scale, they will receive a contribution point.
For team nominations, an appropriate payment may also be split between colleagues where there has been a combined achievement.
How to I submit a nomination?
You can submit a nomination by completing one of the following online forms:
Nominations are usually made by line managers for colleagues or teams that they believe merit this award. Members of staff can nominate themselves but are encouraged to discuss this with their line manager.
Nominations will be welcomed for all Professional Services staff up to midnight on the closing date on Friday, 21 February. Applications will then be assessed by local management panels.
Nominations for academic and research staff will be reviewed by School and Faculty Promotions Committees who will share their timetables and processes for nominating staff locally.
What happens after I have submitted?
You will be advised of the outcome of your nomination(s) following panel deliberations.
What other ways can I recognise colleagues?
We have a number of different opportunities to recognise our colleagues at the University.
- Recognition on Purple Place – you can recognise your colleagues by sending a special 'thank you' e-card.
- The ‘Thank-you’ scheme - to show appreciation for a colleague through a gift token.
We also have additional awards to recognise colleagues: