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Colleague Wellbeing Month: Wellbeing for All this June

23 May 2024

Discover the full programme of events and activities

Colleague Wellbeing Activities

A big warm welcome to Colleague Wellbeing Month: Wellbeing for All. The Colleague Wellbeing Team are opening the whole month of June to host a variety of free health and wellbeing activities and events. Our focus for the programme is ‘Wellbeing for All’: the programme offers a wide range of activity that we hope offers something for everyone. 

Following on from our ‘Starting Well in 2024’ campaign that ran in January 2024, we would like to continue the same messaging: we know dedicating time towards our wellbeing can be difficult, but making time for just one activity (or more!) can make a real difference to your wellbeing. 

Help us spread the word about Colleague Wellbeing Month: invite a colleague to an activity or tell them to take a look at the programme. This encourages people to get involved and take some important time for their wellbeing in the workplace. 

Wellbeing Activity Programme

You can access the full Colleague Wellbeing Programme here. We will be adding more activities to the programme as details get confirmed so do revisit the page. 

This Staffnet article will also be updated weekly, highlighting the top activities to look out for. 

If you have any questions, please direct them to 

Contribute to the ‘1824 Acts of Kindness’ campaign: if you have completed an act of kindness recently, be part of our campaign that is spreading positivity through small and simple acts. Submissions are anonymous and you are welcome to submit more than 1 act.  

Wellbeing events from Monday, 24 June 

Monday, 24 June

Wellbeing Conversations – a workshop for leaders and managers (in person) Simon 4.38, 13:00 – 15:30pm. 

This workshop equips managers with the skills to create a supportive team environment, where wellbeing conversations are the norm. Led by Helen Brewis, our Head of Colleague Wellbeing and Chartered Occupational Psychologist, this practical and interactive session focuses on skills development and navigating various scenarios.

Breathwork for Resilience and Self-Support Workshop, 13:00 - 14:00, Wellbeing Rooms, 1.63, First Floor, Large Group Room, Simon Building, hosted by Counselling and Mental Health Service. 

Tuesday, 25 June

Health and Wellbeing: A Workshops Series: Energy Management with Helen Brewis, in-person, 12:00 – 13:15.

This interactive session will get you thinking about your current energy levels and how you are managing them – particularly in relation to your sleep, activity, nutrition & hydration and rest & relaxation time. You’ll be encouraged to reflect on the areas where you feel you’ll benefit from making some changes and think about the actions you can take and habits you might need in order to move forward.The session will be delivered by Helen Brewis, our Head of Colleague Wellbeing. Helen is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist who specialises in workplace wellbeing and has been on her own wellbeing journey to best manage her energy. 

Wednesday, 26 June

Mixed ability Pilates with Gail Heathcote-Milner, Zoom, 12:00 - 12:45 (Beginners to Intermediate). Develop your balance, strength, and flexibility in this popular class. The course will offer levels and take you through a series of standing, lying and side lying exercises.

Table Tennis: Arthur Lewis Building (SEED and SoSS Common Room) 13:00 - 14:00

Supervised time hosted by Coach Chris. All abilities welcome!

Anxiety Workshop, 13:00 - 14:30, Wellbeing Rooms, 1.63, First Floor, Large Group Room, Simon Building. hosted by the Counselling and Mental Health Service.

Thursday, 27 June

Morning Yoga with Karon Mee, Zoom and in-person G.66, 08:15 - 09:00 (Suitable for beginners). Working on our whole Self, with underlying acknowledgment to the Seasons, we will release tension and develop strength through movement, breathing and mindfulness practices. Prepare yourself for the day ahead with Yoga.

Training Day for Line Managers: 'Managing with Wellbeing in Mind' in-person, 09:30 - 17:00, Williamson 2.79.

We have added additional dates to our wellbeing training programme for line managers. This course is delivered by external provider We Are Wellbeing and is suitable for line managers of all levels. We also have an additional date with available spaces on 2nd July. This course has received excellent feedback and is not one to be missed! 

Friday, 28 June

Zumba with Helen Dunning, Zoom, 12:00 – 12:30 (Beginners to Intermediate). The global dance/fitness craze combining a mix of dances from the world's rhythms. Zumba is an excellent, fun workout with simple choreographed routines combining the mix of dances rhythms from around the world including salsa, hip hop, reggae, samba, disco plus many more. It’s the ultimate body conditioning fat burning session.

Friday Flex with Gail Heathcote-Milner, Zoom, 12:35 – 13:05 (Suitable for beginners). A 30- minute Stretch class to get you away from your desk for ½ hr and do some chest, hip, back and leg stretches. Suitable for all.