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UUK survey for colleagues who are members of USS or who are eligible to join

21 Apr 2021

An email has been sent to colleagues - deadline Wednesday, 5 May

Staff who are members, or eligible to be members, of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) have been sent an email inviting them to take part in a survey about the 2020 valuation of the scheme.

The survey has been put together by Universities UK (UUK) which is asking colleagues at all 340 USS member institutions to take part to ensure their voice is heard at this important time for the pension scheme.

The email with a link to the UUK survey comes from the email address and you have until Wednesday 5 May, 2021 to complete the survey.

The results will be used to inform our University’s response to UUK.   The survey does not ask you to complete any personal details about yourself so your responses will be anonymous.

As well as this survey, USS has indicated that there will be a more formal statutory employer consultation with affected employees later this year if changes are proposed to the scheme.

To help you complete the survey, Universities UK has published Q&As. There is also information on StaffNet, including a recorded open meeting with an independent pensions expert. Finally, USS also held a webinar where members were able to ask questions. A transcript and recording are online.

We will publish a summary of our staff responses to this survey, alongside our University’s formal response to the consultation, after it concludes on 24 May, 2021.

Staff eligible to join USS are generally employed in roles at grade 6 or above, so if you think you fall into this category and have not received an email, please contact:

Pensions news is regularly updated on our StaffNet pages