Take a couple of minutes to say thank you
22 Apr 2020
Why not reach out today and say thank you via the University’s online thank you scheme

It’s a challenging time for all staff at the moment. So many staff are going above and beyond to get work done. There may be staff on your team or your colleagues who may be going through very difficult situations
Our eCards enable you to easily select one of ten designs and add a detailed personal message (you have a maximum of 5000 characters). Once you’re happy with the message you can send the card direct to a recipient’s email inbox. You can send one eCard at a time.
There are so many reasons why you may want to show appreciation. They may include your staff or colleagues:
- Struggling trying to balance caring responsibilities and work;
- Working while stressed due to family members being ill;
- Organising online activities and catch up sessions to keep everyone supported and motivated;
- Working extra hours;
- Being a listening ear to others;
- Volunteering in the community.
Whatever the reason, why not take a couple of minutes today to show your appreciation.
Visit the Thank You Scheme using access code S439777W.