Funding bodies’ research outcomes data collection – deadline
04 Mar 2025
Submit your data to Researchfish, the online submission system used by many funders, by Thursday, 13 March – plus further information
Researchfish is the online submission system which many funders, including UKRI, Cancer Research UK, Wellcome Trust and NIHR, use to collect and evaluate the outputs and outcomes of research projects.
Most funders that use Researchfish will require principal investigators and some funded students to report throughout the lifetime of an award and for some years after the project has ended.
The current Researchfish submission period to report research outcomes is now open and any researchers invited to report on their research must do so by 4pm on Thursday, 13 March 2025.
Funders communicate directly with principal investigators and students via email to let them know what to report and when. If you have received an email from a funder relating to reporting research outcomes via Researchfish, you should accept the invitation link in the email and log into the Researchfish system.
Failure to complete a Researchfish return may result in sanctions being imposed by the funder. These sanctions include researchers losing their eligibility to be named as Principal or Co-Investigator on further awards and payments on current grants being suspended.
Researchers can log in at:
They can access resources on using the system by accessing the Researchfish help function, which is visible in the top right-hand side of the page when logged in.
Further information
Further guidance on the Researchfish exercise can be found at:
Or get local support at: