Experts challenge UK policymakers over serious hydrogen challenges
06 Dec 2024
On Hydrogen, a new publication from Policy@Manchester, gives expert analysis, evidence and policy recommendations on tackling the UK’s key hydrogen policy challenges.

Our Policy@Manchester team has published On Hydrogen, giving expert analysis, evidence and policy recommendations from University researchers on tackling the UK’s key hydrogen policy challenges.
It features seven articles from academics including research-led advice on areas such as the production and storage of hydrogen, decarbonisation of industry and transport, and the future role of hydrogen interconnectors.
The publication begins with an authoritative foreword from Baroness Brown of Cambridge, Chair of the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee, who warns that “the hydrogen bubble has burst.”
She writes: “In the last 10 years, hydrogen has been hyped as the silver bullet that can decarbonise almost everything: heating, cars, trains, buses, planes, shipping, industry, electricity generation: all transformed by use of the magic molecule. The trouble with bubbles is that once they have burst, it takes time for industry, governments and investors to regain confidence and take the subjects seriously again.”
Despite this, the crossbench peer – who also serves as Chair of the Carbon Trust, and the Adaptation Committee of the Climate Change Committee – warns that hydrogen must be taken seriously with a series of pressing industry tasks, such as the decarbonisation of steel making and the production of sustainable synthetic fuels, dependent on the use of green hydrogen.
“The UK Government can take some bold steps to ensure we grow this industry in the UK – it could start by committing to a no regrets investment in a strategic reserve of hydrogen to support our electricity system,” she says.
Baroness Brown adds: “This report provides a range of valuable insights into some of the challenges and opportunities to be gained from a future in which we take low carbon hydrogen seriously.”
Contributor Professor Maria Sharmina, Academic Co-Director of Policy@Manchester, said: “The UK currently relies heavily on fossil fuels for transport, industry and power production. This must change if the new government’s net zero ambitions are to be realised.
“I encourage hydrogen policymakers to read the document and engage with us to chart a course that meets their objectives and would benefit the UK in the long-term.”
On Hydrogen is available to read at:
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