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Manchester 2035: co-design the University’s new strategy

03 Oct 2024

Imagine it's 2035, and our University has changed the world for the better. How did we do it? What role did you play?

White text Manchester 2035 over the top of a space themed background

These questions are at the heart of the process to create Manchester 2035, building on the purpose, vision, and values of Our future, to identify and accelerate our ambitions for the next decade.  

With 200 years of impact behind us and now looking into the future, we're inviting our community – students, staff, alumni and partners – to come together and help shape our strategic roadmap for the next decade. 

Who will we be by 2035?  

To thrive over the next decade and beyond, we’re going to need bold, creative thinking to reimagine what’s possible. From now until December, we’re inviting you to consider different future worlds for our university – will we be a place where every student crafts their own interdisciplinary degree, or where our research directly shapes global policy? Could we turn our campus into a living lab for sustainability, or work in direct partnership with industries of the future?  

Why Manchester 2035 matters 

In a rapidly changing society and higher education landscape, we’ll need to be more impactful in our research and teaching, more engaged with our partners, more innovative, and more committed to excellence in everything that we do than at any time in our history. 

Manchester 2035 is our collaborative response, focusing on five key themes for discussion, each led by a pair of Senior Leadership Team members: 

  • Reimagining our student experiences (Professor April McMahon and Professor Allan Pacey)  
  • Becoming one university (Patrick Hackett and Professor Fiona Devine)  
  • Accelerating our research impact (Professor Colette Fagan and Professor Richard Jones)  
  • Advancing our social responsibility (Professor Nalin Thakkar and Ele Morrisey)  
  • Funding a world-class university of the future (Carol Prokopyszyn and Professor Martin Schröder) 

Over the next five weeks, we will shine a light on each of these topics through viewpoint blogs authored by the SLT pairs and ask you to get involved in the discussion through workshops and online feedback.  

Get involved 

Our strength lies in the diverse perspectives and expertise across our university community – every voice contributes to shaping our future.  

Our Manchester 2035 webpage is the hub for building our new strategy. There you can:  

  • Learn more about the five themes. 
  • Book an in-person or online workshop to collaborate and share ideas. 
  • Submit online feedback anytime, anywhere through our digital platform. 

All workshop bookings and our digital feedback platform are live now – visit the Manchester 2035 webpage to share your ideas online or book a space at one of our upcoming workshops. 

If you have any questions, please contact  

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