Success for widening participation applications
23 Aug 2024
Emma Rose, Head of TLSE, shares an update on post-A-Level results, recruitment, and applications for 2024/25.
August is always a busy time for our Application and Admissions Team, who process A-Level and other examination results before focusing on clearing applicants and continuing to confirm high-quality students for humanities courses.
Our undergraduate and postgraduate taught student recruitment position for the 2024 intake is in line with our expectations, which is good news. Student recruitment has faced some challenges again during 2023/24, with international recruitment impacted by geo-political and economic factors creating uncertainty over applicant conversion.
Despite the remaining uncertainty, we are optimistic about the future and hope to welcome all those who are currently indicating that they will be with us in September. One particular success has been the Faculty’s progress on widening access to under-represented groups this year. We piloted a 2-grade contextual offer for WP+ applicants which has been received well with an increase in acceptances from those receiving the offer. By Friday of confirmation and clearing week, we had confirmed 305 new students who would qualify for the extended contextual offer, compared to 251 at the same point last year and Schools are finalising plans to ensure these students are supported during their studies.
Our position reflects the incredible work over the past year and more of our Student Marketing and Recruitment Team and Applications and Admissions Team, both of which have been able to draw upon the enthusiasm, support and time of many academics across our disciplines. Your contributions are invaluable and integral to our mission of student recruitment and support.
We look forward to welcoming our new and returning students in a few weeks. New students will be looking forward to settling in, making new friends, and beginning a new chapter in their lives. Whether or not your role brings you into daily contact with our students, you are a vital part of this chapter and can make a real difference to their time with us. Let us give them the best possible start.