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University Intellectual Property Review

30 Jul 2024

Changing research landscape sees review that includes reward basis for spinouts to be more founder-friendly

The University has long been widely regarded as a leader in managing IP affairs, in the most recent Knowledge Exchange Framework, it achieved the highest possible rating for IP and commercialisation.

As a co-author of the recently published University Spin-out Investment Terms Guide, and in recognising the rapidly changing research landscape since the last policy review three years ago, the University reviewed its IP Policy.

A key part of the University’s IP landscape is research commercialisation, carried out by the University of Manchester Innovation Factory. Led by Chief Executive Catherine Headley, its core mission is to create positive social, economic and environmental impact through its activities. A major achievement in supporting this role has been the revolution in the North of England’s investment landscape through the creation of Northern Gritstone, a £312m investment firm focused on university spinouts and IP-rich businesses, established in partnership with the Northern Triangle university alliance of Leeds, Manchester and Sheffield.

One material change the University has adopted is to adapt the reward basis for its spinouts to be more founder-friendly, to create a more entrepreneurial scheme, in exchange for a royalty-bearing IP licence and comprehensive management services from the Innovation Factory.

At start-up, the University will now acquire a 20% shareholding in its spinouts (or 10% for software spinouts). This equity holding, leaves a significant 80% (or 90% for software) portion to reward academic founders and help them attract investment. In turn, the University believes this approach will catalyse growth of activity and will support the delivery of its strategic plan whilst supporting our entrepreneurs and spin outs to start up, secure investment and scale, contributing positively to the prosperity of our region.  

If you would like to get in touch to talk about the commercial potential of your research, the Innovation Factory will be delighted to hear from you.

The University contact for IP Policy is Clive Rowland:

For support with commercialisation, or to discuss further, please contact the Innovation Factory at: