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Recent Protest – Publication of Questions and Answers

03 Jul 2024

Joint communication from Students’ Union and the University

The Students’ Union and the University share a commitment to maintaining a supportive and responsive environment for all students, as we said in a short statement and was reiterated in a recent University protest update

As we have previously said, we acknowledged claims that part of our student community was not clear about the University’s position in relation to recent protests.

Adhering to those engagement commitments and to provide more clarity, we are using a structured and collaborative process to engage through the Students’ Union Executive Officers.  

This approach has resulted in a number of written answers to questions raised being completed, with the SU Officers considering those responses before they were sent to the protestors. 

The questions and answers are now being openly published on the SU website, and we’re ensuring widespread communication of this message via our student and staff channels. 

Together, the University and Students’ Union will continue to work collaboratively to enable our university community to come together and discuss topical and challenging issues in a constructive and inclusive way, building on similar recent events on Freedom of Speech and University Finances. More detail on this programme will follow ahead of the start of the new academic year.

This process has been taken forward on the basis that the protestors undertook not to disrupt the Bicentenary Festival or any further university activities, including leaving the Whitworth Hall which has happened, as planned.