Update on ongoing protests
31 May 2024
A message from Vice-President and Dean Fiona Devine and Fiona Smyth, Vice-Dean for Teaching, Learning and Students.
Dear all,
As many of you will be aware, protests by students and others continue in Brunswick Park and a small group has now occupied the Whitworth Hall complex.
Earlier this week, the University put its well-established exam contingency plans in place and directly contacted students who were due to take exams in Whitworth Hall. All impacted exams have taken place in the same timetabled slots but in alternative venues so minimising the disruption to our students.
A small number of students have been impacted by noise from the camp during their exams. All students have been advised that if their exam is affected, a report will be sent from the invigilator to the School teams and students will not need to submit mitigating circumstances applications. You can read further information on the protests and the contingency plans in the latest StaffNet update published on Tuesday 28 May.
We, of course, firmly support the rights of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and peaceful protest. These are fundamental to our University and allow for a healthy exchange of ideas. We want our University to be place that provides a home for a diversity of views and we embrace and encourage this.
We have been very clear from the start to those involved that their protest must remain peaceful. They must not disrupt our teaching, learning, exams or events on campus. They must not target individual members of our community or vandalise our infrastructure and must avoid hate speech.
We understand that the aim of the protest is to cause disruption but this recent disruption of exams is unacceptable and brings additional pressure to our students at a time that is already stressful for many.
Thank you for your understanding and patience while the University manages the disruption caused by protesters. Our campus support and security colleagues are continuing to monitor the situation to make sure that everyone is safe and can go about their normal business.
We are grateful for your support in helping ensure University life continues as smoothly as possible, including staff who have welcomed into their office colleagues displaced from their usual workplace.
Best wishes,
Fiona and Fiona