School of Arts, Languages and Cultures Undergraduate Scholars Programme Showcase 2024
15 May 2024
Students present their work to staff and peers at showcase event

The Undergraduate Scholars Programme is an extracurricular, non-credit-bearing, interdisciplinary research programme for intellectually adventurous undergraduate students in the School of Arts, Languages, and Cultures. Mairead Pratschke, Chair in Digital Education, leads the project.
This year, an outstanding 51 students participated in the programme and presented their work to staff and students during the showcase on Wednesday 8 May. During the showcase, students delivered a detailed presentation of their research findings, answer questions and receive feedback.
Academic Programme leads hosted several projects for our undergraduate students to participate in. This year, these projects included:
- Experiential learning in the Global South with Dr Jessica Hawkins
- Tracking 19th-century radical activism with Dr J Michelle Coghlan
- The value of culture with Dr Leandro Valiati
- Translating literary texts for publication with Dr Monica Boria
- Language Trail at Manchester Museum with Drs Simone De Cia & Ryan Walter Smith
- Premium love – how much are dating and hook-up apps worth with Dr Łukasz Szulc
- Corpus-based research on spoken language with Dr Richard Zimmerman
The UG Scholars programme is unique to SALC and offers the opportunity to explore mixed-level group work, interdisciplinarity, the development of research questions, methods, and modes of presentation—all within the remit of an overarching research theme or project. These features ensure that it differs significantly from other independent research work students do during their degree.
Applications for projects in 24/25 will be open to academic colleagues in the new academic year. If you have any questions, please contact