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Tent protest on campus

01 May 2024

Starting in the afternoon of Wednesday, 1 May an encampment has been erected on Brunswick Park, which comprises a number of people who are protesting at the conflict in Israel and Gaza. This follows numerous other such events on campuses in the UK and US over the last few days and weeks.

Free speech and respect on campus 

Universities are a place to debate contentious subjects and where people can disagree well about many topics. That is one of the key reasons we exist – to explore these subjects and ideas and debate them respectfully. 

This includes listening to some people’s views that can be deeply offensive to others. As a society we see that on a variety of topics and none more so recently than over the deeply distressing events in Israel and Gaza. 

It is incredibly important that people are able to exercise free speech within the law. It is also essential that people treat each other respectfully. 

How people express their views 

There have been a large number of events, protests and other activity on campus since October, the vast majority of which have been peaceful and respectful. 

We work closely with our elected Students’ Union members to put in place measures to address any risks around events, and to ensure that free speech is respected. We have never cancelled an event because of a controversial topic or speaker. 

We recently enabled protesters to address our Senate – our principal academic authority – and express their views peacefully. 

To explain our approach to promoting free speech, we recently held an open meeting where staff and students could ask questions about free speech issues. 

That said, we will not tolerate racism, antisemitism, islamophobia, discrimination, harassment, abuse, or criminality. These have no place in our community. 

How to raise concerns 

So, if you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed any form of hate or have a safeguarding concern, we would urge you to report this to the University’s Report and Support Team or the Students’ Union Advice Centre, both of which have trained advisors ready to provide support. You can also download and use the SafeZone App

To protesters 

To anyone in the protest group or thinking of congregating around it: it is the responsibility of everyone to maintain the normal working of the University for everyone who calls it home.  

People must still be able to access their places of work and study, especially given the proximity to exams and assessments for many, and already a time of stress for some. Our Campus Support and Security colleagues are continuing to monitor the situation, and will work to make sure everyone is safe, and can go about their normal business. We also ask for consideration of our local community, recognising that this is a public right of way. 

You must also consider your own safety and wellbeing. Despite the presence of Campus Support and Security, our campus is in a busy city centre and accessible from a public highway. Of course, the police are aware of the occupation and we will continue to liaise with them.  

You have many legitimate ways to protest and express your views, and we urge you to use them. 

In conclusion 

We fully recognise the right of students and staff to protest within the law, however, setting up camp in a city campus raises potential health & safety concerns, risks disruption to staff, students and our wider community and ultimately is an unauthorised and unlawful use of the University’s campus. 

We are also very aware that this is a vital time of year for many students taking a range of exams and assessments. You can be assured that we will do everything possible to maintain business as usual and we urge protestors to act accordingly. We are very conscious of the need to ensure that everyone on our campus remains safe and secure and this will be of utmost importance. 

Patrick Hackett 

Registrar, Secretary and Chief Operating Officer 

More information

We have published all statements related to the conflict here: