End-of-year messages from some of our senior managers
16 Dec 2021
Read the short festive messages from our School and Faculty leaders.
Faculty PS
A huge thank you to all the wonderful PS colleagues across the Faculty for your commitment, patience, teamwork and outstanding support for each other, our academic colleagues and our students through 2021. I hope everyone has a relaxing break over the Christmas closure period. My plans involve lots of board games, good food, walks, relaxing in front of the log burner and time with family. The kids’ plans definitely don’t involve walks, so no doubt there will be some moaning about that! Happy holidays to you all, and all the best to you and your families for 2022.
Hannah Rundle, Head of Faculty Operations
School of Arts; Languages and Cultures (SALC)
After a long and exceptionally stressful year, I just want to say thank you on behalf of the entire SALC leadership team for your hard work, your resilience in the face of adversity, your dedication to your students, and your ability to look ahead. I look forward to catching up with you and your work in more depth in the new year than the circumstances have allowed. In the meantime, have a good and hopefully restful break!
Thomas Schmidt, Head of SALC
School of Social Sciences (SoSS)
We appreciate how everyone has gone above and beyond their ordinary duties this semester and would like to thank you for your continued commitment to your students and colleagues. We hope you manage some well-deserved downtime during the break and get to enjoy some good company over the holiday!
Brian Heaphy, Head of SoSS
School of Environment, Education and Development (SEED)
We can’t thank SEED PS and academic staff enough for all their hard work this term. The last few months have provided us with more than a few challenges, but it’s been fantastic to see you all pulling together to support one another and your continued enthusiasm to provide the best possible experience for our students. We hope that you all have the chance for some much-needed rest and recuperation over the Winter break.
Martin Evans and Kay Hodgson, Head of School and Head of School Operations, SEED
Alliance Manchester Business School
As another year draws to a close I thank colleagues who have worked tirelessly during 2021. Both academic and PS colleagues have gone above and beyond to make sure all our students have had the best possible learning experience whilst continuing important research activities and supporting each other too. This year, more than ever, you have shown extra determination and resilience to overcome challenges in what has been an unprecedented and unsettling time. Best wishes to everyone in our Faculty from all at Alliance Manchester Business School.
Fiona Devine, Head of Alliance Manchester Business School