Gerard Hodgkinson to step down from Vice-Dean Research role in summer 2022
05 Nov 2021
The search begins for his successor as we acknowledge his achievements in the role.
Professor Gerard Hodgkinson will be stepping down as the Faculty’s Vice-Dean for Research at the end of his term – the close of the 2021/22 academic year.
Gerard took up the role in 2017 and has made a considerable contribution to the Faculty’s research agenda in this time, not least the outstanding oversight and academic leadership of the Faculty’s recent Research Excellence Framework (REF) submission. This was the largest submission across the University with 819 staff, 73 impact cases and 1,674 outputs being assessed.
He championed the rationale for a review and restructure of the Faculty’s research support function aligning research, postgraduate research and our research institutes and his leadership during his period of office has seen year on year research grant capture growth, which has exceeded £40 million in 2020/21.
Significant progress has also been made over the past year especially on developing our research strategy in line with the University, aligning to the big thematic platforms, enhancing the organisation of our Institutes, developing research training, engaging with business and supporting PhD students.
Vice-President and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Professor Keith Brown, said: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Gerard for the outstanding contribution he has made since he took up the role of Vice-Dean in November 2017. Gerard has selflessly deployed his wide knowledge and understanding of research processes and cultures to the advantage of the University, the Faculty and its constituent Schools. We wish him every success in progressing his own ambitious research plans. I am sure we will find opportunities over the coming months to express to him our appreciation for his hard work and commitment in furtherance of our research agenda.”
On making his announcement, Gerard said: “I am announcing this decision now, in the sure knowledge that everything is in place to ensure the continued success of the Faculty. Please be assured I will continue working as hard as ever, until my period of office expires, to ensure that the post-REF strategy we have developed is rolled out smoothly and that my successor has ample time and opportunity to get up to speed with the continued challenges that lie ahead.
“It has been, and continues to be, a real privilege working with such a talented and motivated community of academic and PS colleagues.”
- Colleagues who would like to apply take up the role can find out more here.