Collect free COVID-19 rapid lateral flow tests on campus
08 Sep 2021
You can now collect free rapid lateral flow tests from selected Food on Campus outlets

What is a rapid lateral flow test?
Rapid lateral flow tests help to find cases in people who may have no symptoms but are still infectious and can give the virus to others.
The test usually involves taking a sample from your tonsils (or where they would have been) and from your nose, using a swab. You can get a result in 30 minutes.
You can now collect free rapid lateral flow home testing kits from:
- Alan Gilbert Cafe 9am-6pm
- Michael Smith Cafe 8.30am-3pm
- Cafe 65 at AMBS 8.30am-3pm
- Starbucks on North Campus 7.30am-4pm
All collection points are open Monday to Friday only. Colleagues can also order rapid flow tests from
Colleagues are advised to take two weekly tests when working on campus. It is recommended that you take these tests 3-4 days apart. For example, if you take your first test on a Thursday or Friday, your second test should be on the following Monday. Even if you've had one or both doses of a vaccine, it's still important to get tested regularly.
Please note the on campus testing centre is now closed.
IMPORTANT: You must not collect rapid lateral flow tests, attend any testing centre, or come to your workplace if you have symptoms of COVID-19. If you have symptoms, you should book through NHS Test and Trace.
- If you test positive or need to self-isolate, please report it.
- Further information on testing is available on our website.