Teaching Excellence Awards 2021
10 Aug 2021
Celebrate Humanities award winners.
The Institute of Teaching and Learning (ITL) has announced the winners of this year’s Teaching Excellence Awards, with success for colleagues in the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures and Alliance Manchester Business School.
The awards were expanded this year to include team nominations. ITL received a truly impressive range of submissions from colleagues involved in teaching and learning across the University.
Thanks to all nominees for their valued contributions to teaching and learning at The University of Manchester and congratulations to the winners.
Individual Awards
- Inclusive Education - Holly Morse (School of Arts, Languages and Cultures)
- Inclusive Education and Flexible Learning and Digital Delivery - Mike Kennard (Executive Education, AMBS); Nick Weise (School of Natural Sciences)
- Flexible Learning and Digital Delivery - Christos Begkos (AMBS); Patricia Perlman-Dee (AMBS); Paul Shore (School of Biological Sciences)
- Educational Leadership and Inclusive Education - Amit Jinabhai (School of Health Sciences)
- Flexible Learning and Digital Delivery and the Covid-19 Teaching Environment - Marco Gersabeck (School of Natural Sciences); Alexandros Kafkas (School of Biological Sciences); Hiten Mitha (School of Medical Sciences); Richard Prince (School of Medical Sciences)
Team Awards
- Educational Leadership and Flexible Learning and Digital Delivery - Elizabeth Garrett Anderson MSc in Healthcare Leadership Teaching Team (AMBS. Leader: Jillian McCarthy)
- Educational Leadership and the Covid-19 Teaching Environment - FSE GTA LEAP Team (Leader: Claudia Henninger); Optometry Programme Team (School of Health Sciences. Led by William Holmes and Niall McLoughlin)
- Inclusive Education and the Covid-19 Teaching Environment - FSE Teaching Academy Support Team
- Inclusive Education and Flexible Learning and Digital Delivery - Fashion Business and Technology Year Manager Support and Community Team (School of Natural Sciences. Leader: Rachel Parker-Strak)
- Flexible Learning and Digital Delivery - Masters in Public Health Team (School of Health Sciences. Leader: Arparna Verma)
- Flexible Learning and Digital Delivery and the Covid-19 Teaching Environment - Genetic Counselling STP Programme Unit BIOL65460 Teaching Team (School of Biological Sciences. Leader: Rhona McLeod); Clinical Psychology PSYC31222 Teaching Team (School of Health Sciences. Leader: Warren Mansell); Aerospace Group Design Team (‘DroneFromHome’ project) (School of Engineering. Leader: Ben Parslew)
- The Covid-19 teaching Environment - Practical Laboratory Science BIOL10401 Team (Semester 1) (School of Biological Sciences. Leader: Ruth Grady); University Library Special Collections Teaching & Learning Team (Leader: Janette Martin)
In addition, the panel made the following commendations:
- Highly Commended - Alan Brisdon and Nick Weise (School of Natural Sciences) for ‘Educational Leadership’ and ‘the Covid-19 teaching Environment’, and David Mills (School of Natural Sciences) for ‘Educational Leadership’ and ‘the Covid-19 teaching Environment’
- Commended - Marianne Johnson (School of Natural Sciences) for ‘Flexible Learning and Digital Delivery’ and ‘the Covid-19 teaching Environment’ and Wendy Wild (AMBS) for “Educational Leadership”.
We will be sharing more information about their practice in due course, in the form of blog posts, case studies and other activities to cascade good practice.
Further information
Contact: teaching.learning@manchester.ac.uk