Distinguished Achievement Awards
29 Jul 2021
Congratulations to our Faculty award winners.
The winners of this year’s Distinguished Achievement Awards have been announced, with staff and students across all four Schools being recognised for their outstanding performances and significant contributions to the University.
Our award winners are:
- Professor Cecilia Wong, School of Environment, Education and Development, Humanities Researcher of the Year
- Dr Reka Solymosi, School of Social Sciences, Humanities Teacher of the Year
- Karim Sidaoui, Alliance Manchester Business School, Humanities Postgraduate Researcher of the Year
- Marcel Mapp, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, Humanities Undergraduate Student of the Year
Congratulations to all our Distinguished Achievement Award winners.
- Read about each of our awards winners.
Our President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, introduced the awards. Nancy’s introduction is followed by films from members of the Senior Leadership Team who would normally present the winners and films from the winners themselves, all of which have been shot by the participants from their own homes.
- The Registrar, Secretary and Chief Operating Officer, Patrick Hackett, speaks about the Professional Services and Cultural Institutions’ team and individual winners.
- The Vice-President for Teaching, Learning and Students, Professor April McMahon, talks about the Teachers of the Year and the Undergraduate Students of the Year.
- The Vice-President for Research, Professor Colette Fagan, talks about the Researchers of the Year and the Postgraduate Research Students of the Year.