Call open for Humanities Strategic Investment Fund (HSIF): Internationalisation
25 Mar 2021
Deadline for applications is 3 May.
The Faculty is welcoming funding applications to support research, teaching and related activities that support the internationalisation agenda. Applications should further the Faculty’s goal of working with the best universities worldwide, whether global or national leaders in their fields, producing high quality publications and leading to future grant applications or teaching partnerships.
Activities may also enable building relationships with leading global institutions, governmental or non-governmental. We welcome applications based on the following activities:
Category one: building research (or related) networks
Category two: academic mobility grants
- Full details with application form can be found on StaffNet.
Discussion on the scope and remit of applications is welcomed, and can be discussed directly with Angelia Wilson email
For any other queries, please email Faculty Business Manager Nicky Snook.
Deadline for all applications is 3 May and the successful awards will be announced by 12 May.