SEED Geographer awarded UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship
15 Oct 2020
Dr Sarah Marie Hall, Reader in Human Geography, has been awarded £1.5 million by the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship programme to lead an austerity and altered life courses project

Funded by the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships programme, the project will explore how ten years of austerity policies across Europe have affected young people’s life courses. In particular the project will take an in-depth look at how austerity is experienced by young people in three European regions: Greater Manchester, Barcelona Province and Sardinia.
The project aims to develop a greater understanding of the impact of public policy over time and how the impact of policy changes, such as austerity measures, may outlast policy itself.
Dr Sarah Marie Hall will be collaborating with Dr Valentina Cuzzocrea, in the Sociology department the University of Cagliari and Professor Diana Marre, from the Social Anthropology department at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
The team will be working with seven partners across the three European regions. In Greater Manchester, they will be working with national housing charities Shelter and Orbit, Young Manchester, a youth support charity and Inspiring Futures Partnership, a family, wellbeing and employment support charity. Over in Barcelona they’ll be partnering with ABD, a social inclusion and welfare charity and PAH, a grassroots housing movement, and in Sardinia, a youth engagement charity called TMD2000.
Planned outputs from the project will include a public exhibition and archived oral history data, alongside a website highlighting the key research findings. The project also offers up the opportunity to create the first international research network focused on young people’s life courses altered by austerity in Europe and an opportunity to make policy recommendations and implement lasting change.
For further information on the project, contact Dr Sarah Marie Hall
twitter: @Sarah_M_Hall