New Leadership Model – Grade 8 management appointments in Humanities
21 Mar 2019
Update on progress to date.
Further to recent updates on the progress that has been made towards achieving our New Leadership Model (NLM) for the Directorate of the Student Experience (DSE) and specific areas in the Faculties and Schools, information is now available on Humanities Grade 8 appointments. These follow on from our recent Head of School Operations appointments at Grade 9.
- Emma Rose has been confirmed in the role of Faculty Head of Teaching, Learning and Student Experience (TLSE);
- Nicky Snook has been appointed Head of TLSE for Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS), joining us from the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE);
- Kelly Osgood has been appointed Head of TLSE for the School of Environment, Education and Development (SEED), joining us from the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health (FBMH);
- Jo Kaiserman has been appointed Head of TLSE for the School of Social Sciences (SoSS), moving from her role in PGR;
- Jared Ruff has been appointed Faculty Head of Research and Business Engagement, which now includes PGR.
Kelly and Jared will take up their posts from 1 May, and Jo and Nicky from 1 July 2019.
We have been unable to fill the role of Head of TLSE in the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures (SALC). An interim head will be appointed in the near future and this vacant role will now be advertised externally.
Humanities colleagues who have been appointed to roles in other Faculties are:
- Sarah Featherstone, Head of MSc and UG Taught Programme Services in AMBS, who has been appointed Head of TLSE in the School of Engineering in FSE from 1 July 2019;
- Rosie Williams, Head of School Administration in SEED, who has been appointed Head of University of Manchester Worldwide (UMW) Operations in DSE from 1 May 2019.
The full list of G8 appointments can be found on the NLM web pages.
Following on from these appointments, the next stage of the NLM project will be led by the new Grade 9 and Grade 8 post-holders and will involve Grade 6 and 7 posts. This project will start in the late spring and we will be aiming to have recommendations for consultation before the end of the calendar year. Colleagues working in Grade 6 and 7 posts will be invited to be involved in a range of workshops as part of this phase.