Celebrating Rosh Hashannah
17 Sep 2023
Happy Rosh Hashannah to our Jewish colleagues
We would like to extend our warmest wishes to all our Jewish colleagues who will be celebrating Rosh Hashannah, Jewish new year, this weekend.
In Judaism Rosh Hashanah is viewed as the birthday of the universe and the day G‑d created Adam and Eve. It is celebrated as the head of the Jewish year.
Rosh Hashanah 2023 begins at sundown on Friday, 15 September and continues through nightfall on Sunday, 17 September.
Rosh Hashanah is celebrated with candle lighting in the evenings, festive meals with sweet delicacies during the night and day, prayer services that include the sounding of the ram’s horn (shofar) and abstaining from creative work.
More information
- We aim to take a holistic approach that celebrates individuals and their many identities to ensure that we are truly inclusive of all our community. This is set out in our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy.
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Religion or belief (including no belief)
- Multi-faith chaplaincy