Celebrate SpiNNaker 1 million – a flagship for neuromorphic computing
29 Oct 2018
Join colleagues in celebrating the delivery of the full 1 million processor SpiNNaker machine

After 20 years in conception and over 10 years in construction, colleagues from across the University, the School of Computer Science and other international collaborators, will celebrate the delivery of the full 1 million processor SpiNNaker machine.
Come and see the ‘Big Switch-on’ when all 1 million cores will be active on Friday, 2 November 2018.
Professor Colette Fagan (Vice President for Research) will open the event before handing over to guest speakers and Professor Steve Furber who will give the lecture ‘SpiNNaker: A Million Core Machine for Neuromorphic Computing’.
A celebratory reception will then follow within the School of Computer Science, including the opportunity to take a tour to see the SpiNNaker machine in action.
The guest lectures will take place in Lecture Theatre 1.1 in the Kilburn Building.
- 2.00pm - Welcome and opening of the SpiNNaker 1,000,000 event
- Professor Colette Fagan, Vice President for Research, University of Manchester
- 2.05pm - SpiNNaker: A Million Core Machine for Neuromorphic Computing (includes ‘The Big Switch-on’), Professor Steve Furber CBE, FRS, FREng
- 2.45pm - SpiNNaker as a Tool for Neuroscience Modelling – A Big Little Circuit, and the Fallout, Dr Sacha van Albada, Research Centre Jülich, Germany
- 3.00pm - Mindtrace.ai: A Brain-inspired Approach to Machine Intelligence, Professor Mike Denham, Mindtrace.ai Ltd
- 3.15pm - Q&A
- 3.30pm – Celebratory reception in the School of Computer Science, including tours of the SpiNNaker machine
To book your free place, register via Eventbrite.