Using Wellness Action Plans to support good workplace wellbeing
A Wellness Action Plan (WAP) helps people to identify what good days at work look like, as well as how they may feel on days that aren't going so well. The questions in the plan help individuals to reflect on what can help when they don't feel well at work, through developing insight into their working style and how they respond under pressure. They are great tool to start a conversation with a manager or colleague about staying well at work. Anyone can complete a wellness action plan at any time. It can be particuarly helpful to review a plan if you are starting a new role or are returning from a period of absence.
The mental health charity, MIND, have developed a range of wellbeing action plan templates to cover different working arrangement:
People working in a hybrid pattern
MIND have also produced a useful guide to help managers understand how they can use Wellness Action Plans within their teams.