Academic Advisor training and resources
Academic Advisor training course
All academics undertaking an Academic Advising role are expected to complete the university’s short, online training module, run collaboratively between ITL and L&OD: TACC140 Academic Advising: eLearning. This is designed to be a practical and engaging tour of the key elements of advising - scope, roles and responsibilities, and key sources of information for signposting to your students. The course is refreshed every 3 years or so, and you can sign up and complete it in your own time at any point.
Academic Advising Toolkit
The Academic Advising Toolkit (old) is the central repository of resources for Advisors at The UoM. It includes videos from staff and students, links to Policy and Guidance, sources of information and guidance across the scope of Advising - Academic Development, Wellbeing/Pastoral and Careers/Employability.
The Academic Advisors' Support Network
The Academic Advisors' Support Network is an online forum for all staff acting as Advisors at The University of Manchester to share practical advice on engaging students and supporting their development.
As an institutional member of UK Advising and Tutoring (UKAT) all members of staff are eligible to sign up for affiliate membership of UKAT to gain direct access to all the member-only resources and information on our website, and you are also entitled to register as a member of any of the UKAT Special Interest Groups. UKAT exists to advance both the practice and the scholarship of academic advising in a UK context. The ITL coordinates applications for UKAT accreditation against the Professional Framework for Advising and Tutoring (max. 5 institutionally-funded places per year).
Senior Advisors' Network
The Institute of Teaching and Learning coordinates and supports the University’s Senior Advisors’ Network, a community of practitioners which meets quarterly to shape, discuss and oversee the implementation of the University's Policy for Advising Taught Students and Guidance on Advising. Senior Advisors (SAs) act as key stakeholders for decisions around advising within their area and across the University, and are a central point for communication between their areas and central and academic services. SAs also report to their Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee on the annual evaluation of the advising programme within their School or discipline.
In addition to this network, ITL monitors and supports an Academic Advisors’ Support Network (on Viva Engage), which is an online discussion forum open to all staff for sharing resources and student support initiatives, and discussing the best ways of engaging and supporting students and each other.