Welcome to the Institute for Teaching and Learning’s Scholarship pages.
At the University of Manchester we define scholarship as:
“Evidence based systematic practice that positively impacts student outcomes or experience and is disseminated for critical review and, where appropriate adoption by others. Scholarship can include the scholarship of teaching and learning, or discipline based educational or pedagogic research, as well as the development, application and synthesis of disciplinary knowledge to inform teaching (e.g. research-informed teaching).”
The tiles below provide resources to help anyone involved in scholarship to understand further what it is and how to do it, as well as exemplars of the scholarship UoM colleagues on Teaching and Scholarship contracts are involved in.
What is Scholarship? A short Read
A Quick Primer on what Scholarship means in the context of teaching and learning, and how it can benefit your practice
Scholarship - An in depth Overview
A thorough look into what Scholarship is defined as, and the ways it takes shape and influences academic development.
Scholarship Exemplars
Scholarship at the University of Manchester varies widely. In short videos, colleagues discuss their scholarship experiences, career development, and offer tips for aspiring scholars.
Scholarship Methods
Discover the various methods you can use to engage in scholarship that can develop and enhance your academic practice
Scholarship and Ethics
Explore our resources and guidelines for ethical scholarship practices, including comprehensive strategies on maintaining integrity in research and publication.
Scholarship in promotion
Discover the impact that engaging in scholarship can have in career progression, paricularly the role it plays within Promotion criteria.
Pure Profiles for T&S: Promoting your Scholarship
Discover how to set up and make the most of your Pure profile, which provides the data for your dedicated public facing University webpage.
Sharing your Scholarship
A helpful guide on the ways you can disseminate your scholarship, such as relevant networks and groups both within and without the University of Manchester.
Further Support for your Scholarship
Explore our resources for advanced academic practices and comprehensive support for enhancing your scholarship.