Strategic projects to enhance our teaching and learning excellence
Evaluation and impact project, Fran Hooley SFHEA
The Evaluation and Impact Project is a Strategic ITL Fellowship aligned to key goals for both Teaching Excellence Framework and the University's Access and Participation Plan.
Fran Hooley is a Senior Lecturer in Digital Health Education in the School of Health Sciences. She has co-created digital health data science materials with health care professionals to develop bespoke professional development courses, credit-bearing units and open educational resources. She was deputy director for the PG Cert in Clinical Bioinformatics and is currently collaborating with Health Education England and HDR UK on various innovative online learning projects to help support the digital transformation of the NHS.
Project aims and objectives
This project aims to standardise evaluation across the University by co-creating an approach based on the Theory of Change. It aims to:
- Establish a consistent evaluation framework to support the measurement and reporting of teaching practice effectively and efficiently
- Create a network of evaluation advocates, consisting of staff and student partners to promote new case studies and drive evaluation using the framework.
- Gather evidence of the new approach, through pilots, to recommend the tools and methods needed for University-wide reporting to support Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) and Access and Participation Plans (APP).
Outcomes will include:
- A supportive and active network of advocates who share creative evaluation methods and approaches.
- Co-created set of theory of change materials and guidelines aligning with access and success and TEF requirements.
- A collection of suggested methods and tools that gather evaluation metrics efficiently and sustainably.
- Create exemplars and case studies to share lessons learnt and promote the framework and network.
Task and finish groups
As well as supporting our Institute Fellows, the Institute is called upon to lead teaching and learning projects with colleagues from across the University in task and finish groups, to support the delivery of teaching and learning enhancements in line with the goals set out in the Teaching and Learning theme of Our Future, the University's Strategic Plan.
Since our launch in October 2019 we have undertaken work on the following:
- Student outcomes - academic advising, work-integrated employment, co-curricular opportunities, peer support, student engagement and student voice
- Assessment and feedback - contract cheating, assessment literacy and inclusive assessment
- Curriculum development - curriculum design models, equality, diversity and inclusion, interdisciplinary learning, internationalisation and research-integrated learning
- Working environment - progression and promotion, reward and recognition, peer observation and review, effective working cultures, staff development and creating headroom
Academic Advising Task and Finish Group
Between July 2020 and February 2021 the Academic Advising Task and Finish Group (AATFG) oversaw an evaluation of the effectiveness of our Academic Advising practices. To help us do this, we participated in an international project (with OneHE and Peer Review Portal) that helped us survey our practice and benchmark our performance against participating HEIs from around the globe. The outputs included a SWOT analysis and a set of recommendations. The resulting Global Review Action Plan is being taken forward by the Senior Advisors' Network.
- Chair: Professor Peter Green, Vice-Dean (Teaching, Learning & Students) in the Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Secretary: Emma Sanders, Teaching and Learning Officer (Academic Development)
- Group membership and Terms of Reference
- Report of the Academic Advising Task & Finish Group (February 2021) (pdf)
The AATFG reported to the Teaching and Learning Engagement Forum (TLEF) in 2021.
Contract Cheating Task and Finish Group
The Contract Cheating Task and Finish Group (CCTFG) met between April and September 2020, tasked with looking into what support was required for both staff and students about the extent and consequences of ‘Contract Cheating’, within the broader context of awareness and training around Academic Integrity.
- Chair: Prof Judy Williams PFHEA NTF, Director of the Institute for Teaching and Learning
- Secretary: Emma Sanders, Teaching and Learning Officer (Academic Development)
- Group membership and terms of reference
The CCTFG reported to the Teaching and Learning Engagement Forum (TLEF).
- Contract Cheating Toolkit
- We need to talk about contract cheating, TEA blog post (21 September 2021)
Differential Attainment Project
The Differential Attainment Project preceded the creation of the Institute of Teaching and Learning, and coordinated a series of pilot projects and interventions between March 2017 - March 2019.
- Differential Attainment Project Report (2019)
- Reports from the Differential Attainment Pilot Projects (2017-2019)