Materials FBT Academic Team (Team Leader:Janine Dixon) (School of Natural Sciences)
The Materials FBT Academic Team: Janine Dixon, Jane Wood, Barbara Waters, Lisa Taylor, Kevin Harding, Amy Benstead, Claudia Henninger, Jo Conlon, Victoria Stephens
Academic collaborations Incorporating Education for Sustainable Development into the Curriculum.
The FBT Team’s submission outlines the integration of Education for Sustainable Development within the Fashion Business & Technology (FBT) curriculum in the Department of Materials. By examining three units, one from each level of the programme, the team demonstrates how the curriculum content aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They showcase how social and environmental principles are embedded throughout the curriculum to facilitate progression and foster a critical understanding of sustainable development issues within the fashion industry. Teaching methods are informed by real-life industry experience and academic research. The delivery of the curriculum is supported by scholarship and pedagogical research, with a strong emphasis on amplifying student voice through active engagement and partnership in seminar discussions. Inclusivity is central to the teaching approach, reflecting the diversity of the international student body. This is achieved by using examples that represent various genders, backgrounds, and countries, including those from the Global South. The goal is to cultivate graduates who are environmentally and socially responsible, equipped with the skills to apply theoretical concepts to practical, real-world situations. The success of this approach is reflected in high levels of student satisfaction, as evidenced by UEQs and the NSS results.