Institute of Teaching and Learning
Supporting the University’s strategic aim to deliver teaching excellence
TALON Viva Engage group
Join TALON (Teaching and Learning Online Network), our open Viva Engage group, for advice, tips and to share expertise in teaching and learning
TEA: Teach, Explore, Apply blog
Have a TEA break! Visit our Teach, Explore, Apply blog for stories from staff and students related to teaching and learning practice and innovations
The University of Manchester Advance HE Fellowships Scheme (AHEFS)
The University's Advance HE Fellowships Scheme supports you to achieve recognition for your professional practice in teaching and learning
Development, training and support
Full programmes and one-off opportunities designed to support your professional development in teaching and learning in Higher Education
Resources to support you in delivering high-quality teaching and learning including guidance on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and assessment
Find out more about the University's Teaching Excellence Awards and other institutional, national and international awards for excellence in teaching
Information about projects to drive teaching excellence including Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and strategic initiatives
ITL conference and events
Information about the University's annual ITL Teaching and Learning Conference, upcoming workshops and resources past events
About us
Meet the Teaching Excellence team and find out more about our academic partners and ITL fellows