Taught programmes
Taught programmes that are designed to lead to an academic award (a certificate, diploma or degree) should be structured in accordance with the Credit Framework section of the website.
The credit framework can be used to construct modular programmes. A 'module' is a unit of study that is independent of others; therefore in a modular programme, students can select units freely, combining them in many different ways.
Some postgraduate taught programmes follow this model, especially those intended for updating and career development within a profession.
However most taught programmes offered by the university are 'unitised' but not modular. Although the majority include optional units, and some offer a choice of pathways to the award, they generally prescribe the units that are to be taken by students and the order in which they are to be followed.
Academic Quality Assurance
All taught programmes must adhere to the academic quality assurance requirements of the University.
For programmes leading to an award, these include initial programme approval, continuous monitoring and periodic review.
Each taught programme, or cognate groups of programmes, is managed by a Programme Committee or equivalent, with a Programme Director who is responsible for the teaching and examining arrangements and the monitoring of student progress.