Monitoring student attendance
All students at the University of Manchester are expected to be independent learners and as such are active participants in their own learning experiences and must take responsibility for achieving their learning outcomes and reaching their potential. This notwithstanding, regular attendance and participation is closely linked to retention, progression, wellbeing and academic achievement and can facilitate the development of core skills such as teamwork and professional communication. Therefore by monitoring student attendance the University can provide support and guidance to those students who, as a consequence of their non-attendance are identified as struggling with motivation and commitment to their studies.
It is recognised that those in the earlier stages of their education are more prone to non-attendance than those in the later stages of study. However, the appropriate application of measures detailed in these guidelines to all UGT and PGT students will ensure not only that the University fully discharges its pastoral responsibilities to them but is also able to meet its reporting obligations to external bodies and agencies, e.g., government funding organisations such as the Student Loans Company, third party sponsors, Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) and the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) on a prompt and timely basis.
Guidelines for Monitoring Student Attendance have been developed as part of the University’s commitment to provide a supported learning environment in which students are encouraged to develop knowledge, understanding and the range of skills and attributes expected of a Manchester Graduate. The guidelines aim to encourage active participation in all learning activities through regular attendance.