New and Updated Policies
Recent new or updated teaching and learning policies, procedures or guidance include:
- The Degree Outcomes Statement has been updated for the 24/25 academic year with minor amendments, including new formatting into a document instead of a webpage.
- The Policy on Recording and Monitoring Student Attendance and Engagement and accompanying Guidance have been updated and approved by Senate to provide clarity in relation to the University’s expectations in monitoring attendance and engagement, to ensure that the University proactively monitors student wellbeing, supports academic performance and meets external body reporting requirements, in relation to Undergraduate, Taught Postgraduate and Postgraduate Research students. For further guidance on the SEAtS system, please see the Engagement Analytics Sharepoint Site (October 2024).
- A new Student Pregnancy, Maternity and New Parent Policy, as well as accompanying procedures, has been approved by Senate. This new policy will allow students who are pregnant, or about to become new parents, to follow these new, specific arrangements rather than using the Policy on Interruptions. (July 2024)
- Minor updates have been made to the policies are procedures for: Additional Costs, Placement Learning, Interruptions, Religious Observance and Advising Taught Students as part of our annual review cycle. See the July TLD Bulletin for more details. (July 2024).
- The new AI Statement for Handbooks has been approved at Senate. It is suggested that the statment, provided by Steve Pettifer, Academic Lead for Digital Learning, is included in programme or unit handbooks or other information communicated to students. (October 2023).
- The Procedures for Protecting the Interests of Students and Postgraduate Students (PGRs) during 'Exceptional Events' have recently been updated with the following amendments (April 2024):
- Review and updated points 1.1-1.4 under the principles to ensure they were still fit for purpose and reflective of current practice
- Added provision for FEBs to be held without the need to invoke the Procedure for Protecting the Interests of Students if it is felt that this could be of benefit for the general overview of examination boards across Schools.
- Minor language amendments.