Degree Regulations news and updates
Details of the latest amendments to the Degree Regulations or associated guidance will be listed on this section of the website, to keep staff members (and students) up to date with changes.
- Updated Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Degree Regulations, and Guide to the Taught Degree Regulations (February 2020)
A number of minor updates to the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Degree Regulations have been made, following approval by the former Teaching and Learning Strategy Group (TLSG) and Senate. These updates have now been made to both sets of Regulations and the updated versions have been uploaded to the original url address for the documents:
- Undergraduate Degree Regulations: (version 2.6, February 2020)
- Postgraduate Taught Degree Regulations: (version 3.6, February 2020)
The associated Guide to the Taught Degree Regulations ( has also been updated to reflect these changes and to provide clarification in some areas.
Faculty and School contacts are asked to disseminate the details of these updates across their areas.
An executive summary is provided to show details of the updates to the documents. The updated versions are to be implemented immediately; however, if any Schools foresee an issue with this, we would request that they let their Faculty know, and Faculties are asked to forward the details to the Teaching and Learning Delivery Team (TLD) (via