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TLD Bulletin March 2023

1. Appeals, Complaints and Discipline

  • Annual report of student academic appeals, student complaints, and student conduct and discipline cases 2021-2022

The annual report detailing cases of student academic appeals, complaints and conduct and discipline during the 2021-22 academic year is now available on our website.

2. Taught Programme Enhancement

  • NSS now open

The National Students Survey (NSS) is now open and will close on 30 April. For further information, please see the continually updated NSS guidance on StaffNet.

  • Email address for all new programme proposal (NPP), programme amendment or withdrawal information for TLD

Just a quick reminder that all New Programme Proposal, Programme Amendment or Programme Withdrawal documentation should be sent to, where colleagues in the Taught Programme Enhancement team can action these.

  • Taught Programme Approval form (formerly NPP1/NPP2)

The UoM Taught Programme Approval form (which was formerly two separate forms, NPP1 and NPP2) has had two minor updates:

    • The link to the UCAS key words document has been updated
    • References to ‘UMW’ have been changed to ‘Flexible Learning and Transnational Education’.

The form can be found on the New Programme Approval webpage.

3. Information from other areas of the University

  • Assessment Optionality: Opportunity to shape the University’s research

All staff who teach students are invited to complete the current survey on assessment optionality. The survey is part of a project that will investigate academic and student opinions on the feasibility and practicality of assessment optionality, as well as exploring what colleagues are already doing in this area, and how we could empower and enable more colleagues to try it for themselves.  

The survey only takes 15 minutes to complete and will close on 15 March. The survey is an essential part of this project.  

Further information can be found on StaffNet.

Optionality project photo

  • MIMUC Conference

On 22nd to 23rd of March, Manchester Interdisciplinary Mathematics Undergraduate Conference (MIMUC) will bring together over 100 participants, taught students, from across the Faculty of Science and Engineering and beyond for an exciting two-day program of talks and events! ​

Aiming to improve the student experience of undergraduate and MSc students, and to encourage interdisciplinary research and collaboration across students of STEM, this is the perfect opportunity to develop skills that are not taught in a lecture theatre. Participants have the opportunity to give presentations (with prizes), and there will be talks by alumni, and industry. 

Further details are on the MIMUC conference website.

MIMUC maths conference image

4. Institute of Teaching and Learning (ITL)

Check out our ‘What’s New in ITL’ page on StaffNet at the start of each month, to see what Teaching and Learning tools and resources we have published recently. 

  • Workshops

We have a number of Workshops coming up this month, as our Open Workshop Programme gets underway, and our TEA Blog posts weekly content on Teaching and Learning. New posts on a range of topics every Friday!

Calling aspiring National Teaching Fellows and Collaborative Award teams - our multi-university pipeline programme is open for bookings! This short programme is designed to help you explore your potential claim for an award and understand how to develop your narrative and evidence. Places are limited! Please see attached flyer for eligibility and booking details. The deadline for applications is Friday 10 March 2023.

The programme is jointly run with and for colleagues from Liverpool, Northumbria and MMU, and consists of 4-5 online workshops between March and July, supplemented by online resources. We will bring in sector experts and existing award winners provides lots of opportunities to network and get perspectives from NTFs and CATE winners from other universities.  

Each University can nominate up to 3 candidates for National Teaching Fellowship and one CATE team each year. If you feel that you meet the criteria for NTF or CATE, or are working towards the criteria with a view to submitting a claim in the next 2-3 years, then this programme is for you. (While it's not essential to attend this programme to be nominated, it will help you with your expression of interest for the internal selection panel). 

Please share with colleagues who may be interested - future winners can be a bit shy but we know there are lots of you out there! For more details, information on eligibility and the link to register, please see the attached: 


  • University of Manchester and Times Higher Campus+ Partnership Launched!

This month, ITL launched the partnership between Times Higher Education and the University, a partnership which offers us access to a large international pedagogical audience via resources and a plethora of blogposts and other content. Anyone, both support and academic staff, has the opportunity to write for them, providing best practice, teaching and learning topics, or processes and practices, which have worked well and are worth sharing!  

If you are interested in this opportunity to boost your career, and reach out to other Higher Education professionals across the sector, fill in this form to register your interest.

5. Contact

If you are aware of other staff members who would like to be added to the TLD Bulletin mailing list to receive future editions of the Bulletin, please contact Miriam Graham (email

If you are from a Collaborative or Validated Partner and you are having difficulties accessing any of the linked documents or web pages, please also contact Miriam Graham (

University of Manchester image wide