Academic Advising Model
The Academic Advising Model has been developed to assist Advisors in their support of their advisees. It aims to generate a constructive conversation which motivates and directs students to take action and encourages reflection on their development.
The resources on this page are designed to help you incorporate the model into academic advising conversations.
Applying the Model
Watch the video and take a look at the documents below to help structure advising sessions and get the most from them.
There are other videos on the role and responsibilities of an advisor and senior advisor as well as other related topics on the Videos page
Play the video
log into the video portal to watch this video on how to apply the advising model in your meetings with students
Making the most of the Model
Document highlighting how to make the most of the model (pdf)
Advising Model Student Worksheet (Word)
Student worksheet (Discuss, Prioritise, Implement, Reflect) to be filled out (word)
Example Student Action sheet (pdf)
Example action sheet (pdf)
Blank Student Action Sheet (pdf)
Blank version of the action sheet (pdf)
Making the most of the Model
Document highlighting how to make the most of the model (pdf)
Completing the Student Reflection Sheet
Helps students fill out the reflection sheet (word)
- Completing the Student Reflection Sheet
Helps students fill out the reflection sheet (pdf)
- Example Discussion Sheet (word)
Completed discussion sheet in word
- Example Discussion Sheet (pdf)
Completed discussion sheet as a pdf