- Academic appeals
- Academic malpractice, including plagiarism
- Academic standards – assuring academic standards and quality
- Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL / APEL)
- Additional Costs incurred by students on undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes
- Advising – Policy on Advising Taught Students
- Advising Toolkit
- Aegrotat awards
- Alternative Assessments
- Amendment to programmes
- Annual Review of Teaching and Learning
- Anonymous mark handling
- APL / APEL - Accreditation of Prior Learning
- Appeals, complaints and misconduct
- Assessment
- Attendance - Recording and monitoring attendance
- Calculators - Guidance on the Use of Calculators in Examinations
- Collaborative and validated provision
- Complaints (student complaints)
- Consultations
- Continuous monitoring
- Copyright - Use of Published and Copyright Material
- Costs - Additional Costs incurred by students on undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes
- CPD – quality assurance of continuing professional development
- Credit Framework
- Credit Transfer and Grade Conversion for Study Abroad
- Cross-School/Faculty programmes, including Joint Honours
- Degree Outcomes Statement
- Degree Regulations
- Development of programmes
- Dictionaries - Guidance on the Use of Dictionaries in Examinations
- Differential attainment
- Disabilities/disabled students – Guidance for Assessment for Disabled Students
- Dissertations - Presentation of Taught Dissertations for UG and PGT Provision
- Distance Learning
- eLearning - Distance Learning
- Ethical Approval of research on human subjects in taught assessment
- Exam Board toolkit
- Examinations – Guidance for Students
- Examinations - Handling Unfair Practices in Examinations
- Examinations – Policy on Examinations
- Examination Board procedures
- External Examiners
- Feedback to students
- Fieldwork and field courses
- Fitness to Practise
- Grade descriptors
- Groupwork – Guidance for assessed student groupwork
- Guidance for the Presentation of Taught Dissertations for UG and PGT Provision
- Guidance on Examination Board procedures
- Guidance on Late Submission
- Guidance on Reassessment away from Manchester
- Guidance on Recording Student Participation
- Guidance on the Retention of Teaching and Learning Materials
- Guidance on the Use of Calculators in Examinations
- Guidance on the Use of Dictionaries in Examinations
- Handbooks and other publications
- Handbooks - Programme handbooks
- Handling Unfair Practices in Examinations
- HEA (Higher Education Academy) accreditation
- HEA (Higher Education Academy) National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTF)
- HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report)
- Creating accessible Teaching and Learning content
- Induction and transitional support
- Institute of Teaching and Learning (ITL)
- Interruptions to Taught Programmes
- Joint Honours - Cross-School/Faculty programmes, including Joint Honours
- Late Submission
- Learning
- Learning resources
- Lectures
- Lecture shout-outs
- Management groups (TLG/TLMG)
- Manchester Matrix
- Marking – Policy on Marking
- Mitigating Circumstances – Policy and Procedures
- Monitoring and review of educational provision
- Monitoring attendance
- National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTF)
- New and recently updated policies/procedures
- New programme approval
- Participation - Guidance on recording student participation
- Peer Review of Teaching
- Peer Support
- Periodic Review
- Personal Development Planning (PDP)
- Personalised Learning – Policy on Personalised Learning
- Personalised Learning - The Manchester Matrix
- PGT Degree Regulations
- Placements – Principles and Procedures for student placements on taught programmes
- Plagiarism - Academic Malpractice, including plagiarism
- Policies – new and recently updated policies, procedures and guidance
- Policy on Advising Taught Students
- Policy on Alternative Assessments
- Policy on Ethical Approval of research on human subjects in taught assessment
- Policy on Examinations
- Policy on Feedback to students
- Policy on Mitigating Circumstances
- Policy on Personalised Learning
- Policy on Recording and Monitoring Attendance
- Policy on Recording of Lectures and other Teaching and Learning activities
- Policy on Religious Observance and Guidance for Students
- Posthumous Awards
- Practical and lab work
- Presentation of Taught Dissertations for UG and PGT Provision
- Procedures for Protecting the Interests of Students and Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) during ‘Exceptional Events’
- Procedures for Handling Unfair Practices in Examinations
- Procedures for the Award of Posthumous and Aegrotat Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Degrees
- Programme amendment
- Programme approval
- Programme development
- Programme handbooks
- Programme specifications
- Programme withdrawal
- Proofreading
- Protection plan - Student protection plan
- Protection plan - Policy on Refunds and Compensation
- Protecting students - Procedures for Protecting the Interests of Students and Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) during ‘Exceptional Events’
- Reassessment away from Manchester
- Recording and monitoring attendance
- Recording lectures
- Recording student participation
- Regulations microsite (student-facing microsite housing non-academic, academic-related, and research regulations and policies)
- Relationship between continuous monitoring and periodic review
- Religious Observance
- Rescinding awards - see Appendix 4 of the Guidance on Examination Boards
- Retention of Teaching and Learning Materials
- Rewarding Teaching / Teaching Excellence
- Student Charter
- Student complaints
- Student engagement
- Student engagement in quality assurance
- Student participation - recording student participation
- Student protection plan
- Student Protection plan - Policy on Refunds and Compensation
- Student Protection - Procedures for Protecting the Interests of Students and Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) during ‘Exceptional Events’
- Student representation
- Surveys
- Students with disabilities
- Submission of Work for Summative Assessment
- Taught Programmes
- Teaching and Learning
- Teaching Excellence
- Teaching - Peer Review of Teaching
- Teaching - Rewarding Teaching / Teaching Excellence
- The Manchester Matrix
- TLG (Teaching and Learning Group)
- TLMG (Teaching and Learning Management Group)
- TLD Bulletins
- Toolkits
- Tutorials and seminars
- UCIL - University College for Interdisciplinary Learning
- Undergraduate (UG) Degree Regulations
- Unit specifications
- Use of Published and Copyright Material
- Validated and collaborative provision