Applications for 2024/25 cohorts
Our cohorts for the 2024/2025 academic year are now fully subscribed. If you are interested in applying for the next available cohort, please express your interest and we will get in touch when applications reopen.
Important things to check before applying
Before completing your application to the programme, please ensure:
- Your current role meets the criteria for the programme target audience
- You are on a research contract, e.g. research assistant, associate, fellow
- You have a demonstrable interest or need to develop people management skills for application inside or outside the university
- You are able to commit to completing the full programme including all modules, impact and launch events, self-directed learning and action learning sets
- You have reviewed the programme dates and can be available for all the dates for at least one of the cohorts. Make sure you make a note of which cohorts you can be available for as this will be required on your application form
- You have had a conversation with your line-manager, and have their full support to undertake the programme. You will be required to submit a short statement from your line manager as part of your application
If in doubt, please contact OD to check.
Programme dates
See the dates for each of the upcoming cohorts for Managing at Manchester for Researchers
Register your interest
Click here to register your interest
Contact details
If you have any queries about the programme or the application process, please contact the Learning & Organisational Development team by emailing
For queries relating to whether Managing at Manchester for Researchers is right for you please contact the Researcher Development team directly.