Following the successful response to the Staff Survey 2013 it is imperative to continue to raise awareness of the actions that have been completed until the next survey in 2015.
This is a toolkit for communicators and managers to use to promote the progress of their Staff Survey action plans.
Key dates
June 2014: Year Anniversary
September 2014: Staff Survey 2015 campaign planning
December 2014: Six month progress update
January 2015: Launch Staff Survey 2015 campaign
Ensure staff survey progress updates are a standing item on leadership team meeting agendas.
Provide regular updates to Internal Communications Team for University-wide dissemination.
Utilise all communication channels at local school/directorate levels to ensure that messages are reaching all staff.
Contact your local Action Planner for progress updates and potential stories.
Ask your DOFA/HOSA/Director for access to the Thank You Scheme monitoring forms to see if there are any good stories there.
Use the typographical devices below on all action-related communications.
Promotional devices
Please use the following images on news items, newsletters, intranets, social media (#staffsurveyprogress), and any other communication channels:
You can print out the posters and include local actions for promotion in your area: