What is Internal Communication?
Internal Communications (IC) is the function responsible for effective communications among staff within an organisation. It involves delivering messages and campaigns on behalf of management, to facilitate two-way dialogue and to develop staff communication skills.
At the most basic level, according to the Institute for Internal Communication (IoIC), you have to communicate well at the right time so employees know what is expected of them and what is happening in the organisation. At a deeper level, for employees to feel engaged with their workplace and give their best, they have to believe their organisation cares about their views and understand how their role contributes towards overall business objectives.
Internal Communications at The University of Manchester
Corporate level internal communications at The University of Manchester is managed by a team of seven members of staff based within the Directorate of Communications, Marketing and Student Recruitment (DCMSR):
Grace Conlon – Head of Internal Communications (Interim)
Helen Pearce - Internal Communications Manager (Interim)
Mikaela Sitford – Internal Communications and Engagement Officer
Alithea Buchan - Internal Communications and Engagement Officer
Chris Lee - Internal Communications and Engagement Officer
Richard Brown - Internal Communications and Engagement Officer
Ross McDonald - Internal Communications and Engagement Coordinator
Alison Boardman – Internal Communications and Engagement Officer (on secondment until December 2024)
They have responsibility for:
- Developing and implementing University-level internal communications initiatives and campaigns
- Supporting and advising managers on a range of communications issues
- The management, sharing and development of corporate messages
- Managing the University-wide communication channels including StaffNet News and Announcements, eUpdate, all staff email and Leaders' Digest (See Communication channels for further information)
- Managing the Professional Services (PS) communication channels
In addition, each Faculty has their own Internal Communication teams who are responsible for Faculty communication channels and messages (See Internal Communication Contacts).