Transport of radioactive materials
The following Transport Radiation Protection Programme (TRPP) contains detailed instructions on what radioactive materials the University can transport, management & control, Radiation Risk Assessments, packaging instructions, Contingency Plan and all associated documents:
TRPP (PDF file)
TRPP Appendix V: Contingency Plan (word file)
TRPP Appendix VII: Form TP1 X (Word file)
TRPP Appendix VIII: Consignment/Transport Note (word file)
Transport Log Form (MS Forms)
Please note that the transport of Class 7 packages begins with the packaging of radioactive materials in the Consignor's facility and ends with the unpacking of those radioactive materials in the Consignee's facility.
University Guidelines (Flow Charts) and Supplementary Local Rules:
How to consign a Class 7 package
How to consign an EXEMPT package
Supplementary local rules for Class 7 transport
Supporting SOPs:
Movement of radioactive sources on campus
The receipt of consigned radioactive sources
SRP Guide to the Transport of Class 7 Goods includes consulting safety advisers and a compliance flow chart.
If you are unsure about any transport activity, please contact us.