UK Government guidance
The UK Government has guidance specific to academia in three areas – National Security and Investment Act (NSI), Exports and Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS):
- NSI: details of the 17 types of notifiable acquisitions
- NSI: guidance for the higher education and research-intensive sectors
- Export controls applying to academic research
- Consolidated list of strategic military and dual-use items that require export authorisation
- Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)
The UK Government also offers guidance and resources through the National Protective Security Authority (NPSA):
- NPSA Trusted Research website
- NPSA Trusted Research Checklist for Academia
- NPSA Countries and Conferences Guidance
You can watch these short videos explaining the NPSA Trusted Research campaign, in general and in the specific terms of reputational risk, National Security Investment and intellectual property:
- NPSA Trusted Research (VIDEO)
- Reputational Risk (VIDEO)
- National Security Investment VIDEO)
- Intellectual Property (VIDEO)
You can watch these short videos, giving scenarios you may face – and how to mitigate them.
- Identifying export controls and sanctions (run time 4m 55s)
- University spin-out (run time 5m 26s)
- Authoritarian government (run time 5m 47s)
- Overseas presentation and government approach (run time 4m 45s)