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Open funding call for projects to enhance our research culture

Following the launch of the University’s Research Culture and Environment framework we are pleased to announce an open call to fund projects that develop and test potential solutions, or increase the scale of already proven practices, to address known research culture challenges.  

The University’s research culture is defined as the way that we collaborate, communicate, and interact with each other; the behaviours, attitudes, and values that shape how our research is developed, conducted, and used; and the mechanisms by which we support research and recognise and reward that work. 

Applications are invited for funding of £50,000-£80,000 for projects which align to one of the University’s four research culture themes: 

  • Supporting diverse and rewarding careers  
  • Enabling open and impactful research  
  • Upholding the highest levels of responsible and ethical research   
  • Building collaboration and interdisciplinarity  

Prior to submitting their application by the call deadline (4pm Wednesday 14 May) applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their project idea with the Research Strategy Team to ensure their proposal aligns with the theme and aims of the call. Please use the booking form to book a slot to discuss your project idea


Applications are: 

  • Open to individuals or teams and can be led by research staff, academic staff, technical or professional services colleagues.   
  • Encouraged to comprise teams which reflect the diverse staff community at the University of Manchester.  
  • Encouraged to involve members of the intended beneficiary group (e.g. technicians, postdocs, staff returning from parental leave) at all stages of the project.  
  • Expected to have a lead applicant whose contract end date is no earlier than the end date of the project. 

The lead applicant is expected to take responsibility for checking the availability and capacity of the members of the proposed team to undertake the project. 

Postgraduate researchers and honorary members of staff are not eligible to apply to be project leads but may apply as part of a team.  

Eligible Costs

Projects are invited for funding of £50,000 to £80,000 to start from 1 August 2025 and are expected to be for a period of 12 months. Projects of a duration longer than 12 months should be clearly justified.  

At the application stage estimated costs are to be provided in the application form. Successful applicants will be requested to work with the panel to finalise budgets ahead of the project start date.  

Eligible Costs (reimbursed at 100%)

  • Staff time required to deliver the specific aims of the project which may include: 
    • The time of the lead applicant to recognise their contribution to the project.
    • Salary costs of staff appointed to conduct the specific activities of the project.  
  • Travel, subsistence, networking and events costs.   
  • Consumables including small pieces of equipment (defined as less than £10,000).
  • Costs of any external collaborators or providers (for example consultancy) contributing to the project.   

Ineligible Costs

  • These awards do not cover Full Economic Costs (fEC) and should not be costed according to fEC principles.  
  • Overhead costs (this includes estates, indirect and technician infrastructure costs).   
  • Large pieces of equipment (over £10,000).  
  • Building and refurbishment costs. 
  • PhD related costs (fees and stipends).   

Application and Assessment

All applicants are requested to: 

  • Check the availability and capacity of the team members outlined in the application form to undertake the project. 
  • Submit an anonymised EDI form at the time of application. This is to enable a comparison to be made between the profile of the applicant pool with those selected for award. 

Proposals will be assessed on the following criteria:  

  • Clear articulation and evidence of the research culture challenge the project proposes to address. 
  • Strength of the description of the project and rationale of the proposed solution(s) to be tested or existing proven practice to be scaled to address the identified research culture challenge. 
  • Feasibility of the project timescales and deliverables.   
  • Strength and clarity of the approach to evaluation with measurable outcomes and likely impacts identified. 
  • Clear demonstration of how the proposed outcomes could be implemented across the University of Manchester and will enhance the University's research culture and environment.  
  • Strength, appropriateness and diversity of the research team.  
  • Clear and realistic costed plan of activities that represent value for money. 

Applications received by the call deadline will be 

  • Checked for eligibility by the Research Strategy Team. 
  • Reviewed, assessed and ranked by a panel of academic and PS colleagues, including representatives from research and equality, diversity and inclusion. The panel will be chaired by Professor Melissa Westwood, Associate Vice President Research.  Melissa leads, on behalf of Research Strategy Group, on initiatives to enhance our institutional research culture and environment by collaborating with colleagues across the University to amplify the great work already taking place locally.  

Applicants will be informed of the outcome by the end of June 2025.