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Building collaboration and interdisciplinarity

Our strategic ambitions include to build on our record of path-breaking interdisciplinary research and to bring the world’s best people together, combining expertise from across disciplines to understand and find new solutions to society’s biggest questions. This means our priorities include accelerating interdisciplinary research. Here are the ways we help colleagues work together to solve global problems.

You can read about colleagues’ lived experience of this at our spotlights while the support on offer can be accessed directly below.

What is interdisciplinary research?

Interdisciplinary research is understood to achieve outcomes (including new approaches) that could not be achieved within the framework of a single discipline. Interdisciplinary research features significant interaction between two or more disciplines and / or moves beyond established disciplinary foundations in applying or integrating research approaches from other disciplines. It has reciprocal research benefits for all the disciplines involved. (Source: UKRI)

Team Research

Training and development activities to explain and support our interdisciplinary model.

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