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Research culture and environment

Support and guidance to ensure research and innovation happens with a positive impact on all those involved.

Researchers at work


Building better research cultures together

Research culture and environment is the way that we collaborate, communicate, and interact with each other; it is the behaviours, attitudes, and values that shape how our research is developed, conducted, and used; and it is the mechanisms by which we recognise and reward our work.

Our research culture and environment hub brings together support, resources, case studies and spotlights within four four research culture themes which you can explore below.

Images of Research

The images used to highlight our Research Culture themes were submitted by UoM Postgraduate Researchers as part of the ‘Images of Research’ competition, which forms part of our annual PGR Showcase. These images authentically demonstrate the real-world outcomes of our university’s research culture. You can find more at Research culture and environment themes – Images of Research.

Open funding call for projects to enhance our research culture

We will be announcing an open call to fund projects that develop and test potential solutions or increase the scale of already proven practices that address known research culture challenges.  

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