Resources & Support
This section of the website is a work-in-progress, which will be populated as our engaged research community takes shape. You can suggest resources we should include by joining the University of Manchester Engaged Research Microsoft Teams community, or by adding them to the Engaged Research resources Padlet.
Useful links and resources
- We have just launched an Engaged Research Microsoft Teams community, where interested colleagues can come together to share resources, ideas and events. Please join and help us to grow!
- The Choose your own Community Engagement Tool exercise, developed by Noisy Cricket C.I.C, supported by Purple Bonsai and in partnership with the University of Manchester can help you to learn more about what community engagement is, why it's worth practising and how to integrate it into your practice, in addition to starting to explore where power dynamics emerge when working with disadvantaged groups (UoM login required due to licensing).
- The Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health's Public and Patient Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Toolkit. includes information, templates and resources to support you with your PPIE either as a member of staff, student or public contributor (a member of the public involved and/or engaged with our research and teaching).
- The University's Research Impact Teams and Public Engagement Team can provide feedback on research impact and engagement plans within funding applications.
- Better Evaluation provides guidance on participatory evaluation and addresses its advantages and challenges.
- The University of Durham's Centre for Social Justice and Community Action has produced an extensive range of toolkits, guides and case studies focused on co-inquiry, participatory action research (PAR) and Ethics. This includes a guide on Navigating Participatory Research.
- The National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) website includes a large resource library.
- Participatory Research@Bath shares insights, resources and useful reports.
- The Participatory Research Oxford (PROX) website includes a host of useful materials ranging from definitions to good practice guidance.
- Scottish Co-Production Network.
- UCL's Co-Production Collective Resource Library is packed with resources and guidance.
- UK Participatory Research Network.
- UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Co-Production webpage.
- UKRI article on ethical engagement, including links to key resources.