Governance and Committees
Please see below for details of all Research Degrees and Researcher Development governance groups and committees:
Manchester Doctoral College Strategy Group
The Manchester Doctoral College (MDC) Strategy Group is responsible for strategic and policy matters in relation to all aspects of postgraduate research (PGR) and early career research, the group aims to drive the quality and quantity of postgraduate research students and maximise their experience during their time at the University. The MDC Strategy Group will also work closely with the Postgraduate Research Operations Group (PROG).
In particular the MDC Strategy Group will:
- Lead on the formulation, development and implementation of postgraduate research and early career research strategy in line with the Institution’s research policy
- Enhance the internal and external profile of PGR activity at the UoM and ensure requirements of external agencies such as the Research Councils and QAA are adhered to
- Provide strategic leadership on PGR recruitment issues in line with the strategic objectives of the University
- Ensure parity and consistency across the University of PGR policies, regulations and information management in order to deliver the highest standards of internationally competitive doctoral programmes and optimise the PGR student experience
- Develop and promote University-wide schemes for funding PGR students such as the President’s Doctoral Scholar Award
- Set standards and expectations for postgraduate research students and the University and set out a code of practice
- Provide strategic input into the development and operation of the University’s PGR progression system
- Maintain the link and provide strategic input for PGT activity as it feeds into and underpins doctoral education
- Scan the international horizon to maintain international comparability
- Share good practice and facilitate interchange between Faculties, Schools and Centres for Doctoral Training
MDCSG is a collaboration between staff from across the University who are dedicated to providing the best possible experience for Postgraduate Researchers. The members for this group are:
- Director of MDC (Chair)
- Associate Vice-President for Research
- Associate Dean for Postgraduate and Early Career Researchers, Faculty of FSE
- Associate Dean for Postgraduate Research, Faculty of Humanities
- Associate Dean for Postgraduate Research, Faculty of BMH
- Head of Research Degrees and Researcher Development (RDRD)
- Research Degrees Manager (RDRD)
- Researcher Development Manager (RDRD)
- Director of Student Recruitment & International Development (DSE)
- Representative from Student Communications and Marketing
- Representatives of Graduate Administration (Faculty PGR Managers)
- Students Union Postgraduate Officer
PGRs can raise items for discussion via their PGR representatives. Meeting notes can be requested by email to
Postgraduate Research Operations Group
Postgraduate Research Operations Group (PROG) brings together colleagues with responsibility for the operational delivery of postgraduate research in Faculty Doctoral Academies, the Directorate of Research & Business Engagement and across the University. The group reports to the PGR Management group (PGR MG).
The purpose of the group is
- To discuss and agree a broad range of operational matters.
- Share information and good practice across faculties.
- Facilitate networking and communication across and between institutional and Faculty graduate education structures.
- Postgraduate Research Manager, RBE (Chair)
- Head of Research Degrees & Researcher Development, RBE (Deputy Chair)
- Postgraduate Research Coordinator, RBE (Secretary)
- Researcher Development Manager
- Postgraduate Research Officer (Policy & Governance), RBE
- At least one representative from the FBMH Doctoral Academy *
- At least one representative from the FSE Doctoral Academy *
- At least one representative from the Hums Doctoral Academy *
* Faculty Doctoral Academies review each agenda and send appropriate colleague(s) to consider and action items raised.
Research Staff Strategy Group
Research Staff Strategy Group Terms of Reference
The group is convened as a forum for cross Faculty discussions in relation to the personal and career development of University research staff and to develop a University wide strategy for the development of research staff.
The group will report to Research Strategy Group (RSG) and concordat discussions to People & OD subcommittee.
The group will:
- Monitor and report on the Researcher Development Concordat implementation action plan and prepare for the renewal of the People & OD Excellence in Research award.
- Develop a research staff development strategy.
- Raise awareness of career and development opportunities for research staff via a dedicated research staff communications strategy.
- Monitor and develop solutions to issues raised in research staff survey.
- Lead on University wide initiatives relating to research staff, for example, P&DR roll out, extending access beyond end of contract.
- Ensure that existing policies and guidelines clearly outline the role of research staff.
2024/25 Membership:
Associate Vice President Research (Chair)
Senior Researcher Development Administrator (Secretary)
Researcher Development Manager
Researcher Development Officers (on rotation)
Associate Dean for PGR and Early Career Researcher Development, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Research Staff Representative, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Associate Dean for Research and Innovation, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health
Research Staff Representative, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health
Associate Dean Research, Faculty of Humanities
Research Staff Representative, Faculty of Humanities
Academic Lead, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Learning and Organisational Development Partner, Learning and Organisational Development
Representative from the Library
Representative from People
By invitation: Comms, Ethics and Integrity
Research Staff Representatives on University’s Research Staff Strategy Group
Dr Joan Chang, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health
Dr Sarah Parkhouse, Faculty of Humanities
Dr Emily Matthews, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Meetings for 2024/25
- 16th October 2024
- 18th December 2024
- 12th March 2025
- 11th June 2025
CDT / DTP Governance Committee
Centres for Doctoral Training (CDT) and Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTP) Governance Group is responsible for ensuring common high standards and quality assurance across all University of Manchester Centres for Doctoral Training and Doctoral Training Partnerships. The group also acts as a forum in which to share good practice across the University’s CDT/DTPs.
- Ensure that CDT/DTP structures meet University Regulations and PGR Code of Practice
- Support CDT/DTPs in meeting the commitments specified within the approved funding proposal
- Receive and consider annual summaries of demographic/admission data from each CDT/DTP
- Receive copies of annual and/or mid-term funder reports
- On an annual basis, to receive the membership and terms of reference of the CDT/DTP industrial/external advisory boards
- Consider feedback from CDT/DTP mid-term and annual reviews
- Provide support for new CDT/DTP bids and renewal applications for existing programmes
- Highlight shared or common issues, and examples of good practice, related to the management and delivery of CDT/DTP programmes
- Consider ways in which the good practices of CDT/DTPs could be extended to students beyond the centres and partnerships
- Provide a forum to share intelligence regarding funder expectations/priorities
Associate Vice-President for Research (Chair)
PGR Research and Researcher Development Coordinator (Secretary)
Head of Research Degrees and Researcher Development
Representatives of Graduate Administration (Faculty PGR Managers)
Head of PGR and Internationalisation Support Services, Faculty of Humanities
CDT Director - EPSRC CDT Nuclear Energy- GREEN
CDT Director - EPSRC CDT Advanced Biomedical Materials
CDT Director - EPSRC CDT Integrated Catalysis (iCAT)
CDT Director - EPSRC CDT Graphene NOWNANO
CDT Director - EPSRC CDT Power Networks
CDT Director – EPSRC Advanced Metallic Systems
CDT Director – EPSRC/MRC CDT Regenerative Medicine
Representatives from:
- British Heart Foundation Programme
- Wellcome Trust Programme
- AHRC North West Consortium DTP
- ESRC North West DTC and NWSSDTP
Meetings for 2020/21
The CDT/DTP Governance Group meets twice a year. Dates TBC
CDT / DTP Administrators Group
The Centres for Doctoral Training (CDT) and Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTP) Administrators Group brings together administrators from all University of Manchester Centres for Doctoral Training and Doctoral Training Partnerships.
As part of its work it may make recommendations to the CDT/DTP Governance group to inform academic strategy.
The purpose of the group is to
- Discuss and agree a broad range of issues relating to CDT/DTP provision
- Facilitate communication across centres to support strategic aims
- Act as a forum in which to share good practice across the University's CDT/DTPs
Head of Research Degrees and Researcher Development
PGR Research and Researcher Development Coordinator
Representatives of Graduate Administration in each Faculty
Administrative representation from:
- CDT Manager - EPSRC CDT Nuclear Energy- GREEN
- CDT Manager - EPSRC CDT Advanced Biomedical Materials
- CDT Manager - EPSRC CDT Integrated Catalysis (iCAT)
- CDT Manager - EPSRC CDT Graphene NOWNANO
- CDT Manager - EPSRC CDT Power Networks
- CDT Manager – EPSRC Advanced Metallic Systems
- CDT Manager - EPSRC CDT M4DE
- CDT Manager – EPSRC/MRC CDT Regenerative Medicine
- Wellcome Trust Programme
- AHRC North West Consortium DTP
- ESRC North West DTC and NWSSDTP
Meetings for 2020/21:
The group aims to meet once every two months, dates TBC.