RRI Training
Below you will find RRI Training offered at University of Manchester.
RRI Training for PGRs
RRI Training for PGRs from UoM Researcher Development
RRI Related Training
The UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) has an upcoming free online training webinar which staff and students at the university can register for:
Responsible research and innovation
The University of Manchester Training Catalogue has a number of courses covering areas relevant to RRI. Below is a selection:
Research Integrity Training
- Gender Equality on Research and Innovation
- Research Planning
- Undertaking Ethical research
There are also several courses looking at Impact:
- Introduction to research impact – what impact is (and isn’t) and key elements of impact planning and delivery;
- Planning for impact – including in grant applications;
- Communicating your research – with a wide variety of groups and audiences;
- Working with external stakeholders to achieve research impact;
- Evidencing research impact
NB These courses can change, will run at various times and for various audiences so please check individual listings. Useful search terms include Impact, Ethics, Research and Engagement.