Training Required of Researchers and Supervisors
In order to ensure that your ethics application receives favourable ethical review, it is essential to demonstrate that you have the appropriate level of training required to perform research in your chosen field. Some examples of specific training requirements are shown below:
Human Tissue: MRC Training and Registration of Study. For the MRC Training, please visit the link here and complete the Research and Human Tissue Legislation-Updated Course.
Clinical Trials: GCP Training (register first through the Training Catalogue, then once your application has been approved, a link to the course will appear on your Blackboard home page)
Please choose the most recent course. This will remain available on Blackboard for three months from the listed start date. To apply, click the apply button in the bottom left corner of the sign up page and then choose from the courses available. (Please don’t select the 'I wish to apply for general access...' option, as this doesn’t in fact provide what it appears to!) Shortly after signing up, you should receive a confirmation email. The course link in Blackboard should then appear within the following 24 hours
Vulnerable adults/children: Sufficient prior experience and CRB check
Safeguarding: training and policy documents including working with children, vulnerable adults and the humanitarian & development sector
Data Protection Training
All staff and students at the University of Manchester are responsible for ensuring they are familiar with the data protection policies and processes and follow these when conducting their research projects. Under the DPA (2018) and UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) the University is required to provide assurances and safeguards to all research participants that their data will be treated confidentially and will be protected as set out in the relevant data protection legislation. To support this you will be required to confirm one of the following as part of your ethics application (in Section D):
Students (UG, PGT, PGR)
That you understand and will adhere to the data protection regulations and the University of Manchester's data protection policies by confirming all statements in data protection checklist (the list is featured in the ERM system under Section D).
That you have undertaken the Information Security and Data Protection Training within the last 2 years and this is reflected in your training record.
Research Ethics Handbooks
The digital research ethics handbooks are primarily aimed at academic members of staff who supervise student research, however the content provides a useful introduction to the ethics process at UoM and the handbooks are suitable for all researchers to use.
Please see below for Faculty specific handbooks:
- Handbook for the Faculty of Biology, Medicine & Health
- Handbook for the Faculty of Humanities
- Handbook for the Faculty of Science & Engineering
Staff and Students
Video Resources
Please see below for short (less than 10 minute) video presentations that offer an introduction to research ethics as well as information on GDPR.
Managing and sharing data from human participants
A series of modules to help you apply the principles of data protection to your research study as well as how to engage with and take informed consent from your research participants.
- Recruitment of research participants
- Participant information sheets
- Obtaining informed consent
- Research with children and young people
- Research with additional considerations
- Data protection considerations